itsjustjen I found a really easy way to feed the chicks without them spilling it all over. I have a big brooder so i put a new paint roller pan in the brooder and put the food in that they stand and kick it but it stays in the pan I have noticed I am not wasting as much starter as before. I got mine at the dollar tree they make perfect water bowls for ducklings as well the ducklings can walk in and out and still "swim"
I'm in Brandon Fl & I happened on this post. I'm lookig for 3-4 young hens & a Rooster. Mine are an Australope , a Buff Orpington(sp) & New Hampshire Red.

They were hatched in October.
I had a White Americana & A Rhode Island Red Rooster that was supposed to be a hen LOL.
Got them at Hills. Cnty. Fair :)
Ideally looking for a Barred Plymouth Rock an Americana 1-2 a Speckled Plymouth Rock or are they called splashed (? on spelling & name), & or Rhode Island Red which could be a Rooster &/or Hen. I'm going to have them their natural life time so I'd like them to get along. I do want to replace my Americana!

Had a fox drop in for dinner...got my White Americana & my RIR Rooster ): I rewired my whole walk in coop; top, bottom, sides added flat slabs around the edges inside the pen & added flood lights. It's a nice size coop & my chickens are definately missing thier Rooster. I'd start over with chicks again but I have a friend in Ag. & raised chickens... he suggested I try & find some one locally that raises chickens & contact them. You look like you maybe the one :)

If you have anything that might fit the bill or know someone in this area Please email me or call me at my work... ph# is 813-685-1664 it's Video Exchange if I don't pick up you can leave a message & I'll call back.

Please let me know what if anything you maybe willing to part with & how much or if you know anyone else in the area.

Gail Pierce

PS I got more specific on the hens but as long as there different & will get along with the ones I got I'm open but I do want variety.
Is the chicken meet this coming weekend or next & is it open on Sat. or Sunday?! How do I search I find the breeders in ths area...I found you by chance.
I tried placing on wood, didn't work. My little buggers have made it their daily challenge. I am no longer filling it halfway. If anything I just pour a cup full into the dish instead of unscrewinf the jar and filling it. I'll try hanging it and see if that helps.
What's the FB page... I'd love to find it! Looking for a few young hens 3-4 & 1 Rooster I live in the Brandon area & have had no luck up until now..so close yet so far away..till I find some souces!

Please let me know wherw & how by leaving an email message (I found this by chance..not sure if I'll find it again but I am on FB.) or you can call my work Video Exchange 813-685-1664 besttime to call 2 pm-7pm Mon-Fri. or leave a message.

GAP Flying Low
What's the FB page... I'd love to find it! Looking for a few young hens 3-4 & 1 Rooster I live in the Brandon area & have had no luck up until now..so close yet so far away..till I find some souces!

Please let me know wherw & how by leaving an email message (I found this by chance..not sure if I'll find it again but I am on FB.) or you can call my work Video Exchange 813-685-1664 besttime to call 2 pm-7pm Mon-Fri. or leave a message.

GAP Flying Low
The Plant City FB page is Plant City Poultry. Just search for it on FB and it should pop right up. Cindy (Plantcityhomestead) set it up for all of us!
Anyone breed rare breeds? And by that I mean actual rare breeds not the hatchery rare breed list? I thought it would be sort of interesting and fun to try to raise at least 3 of the rare/endangered breeds.
Me? Yes to start with though I have seen some pheasant I'd love to have! I don't think I'll ever get anymore quails, too flighty for my liking :) I'm not opposed to peafowls or ducks though my neighbors my not be impressed with rare peafowls in their yard!
Me? Yes to start with though I have seen some pheasant I'd love to have! I don't think I'll ever get anymore quails, too flighty for my liking :) I'm not opposed to peafowls or ducks though my neighbors my not be impressed with rare peafowls in their yard!

We have Buff Dewlap Toulouse geese and Silver Appleyard ducks have thought of adding a breed of chicken as well but so far just sticking with the chicken breeds we already have.

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