
Hi All,

I'm in North Central Fl about 35 miles west of Gainesville. I have about 35-40 chickens(Gabby, my broody Silkie is sitting on a dozen eggs). I have 3 young Seramas and a Silkie still inside until it gets warm enough for them to be outside all the time. And yesterday, I was at the feedstore for food, and of course, came out with 6 little chickies. Oh, and 3 Royal Palm turkeys and 1 Merriam Wild turkey.

I still have a few breeds on my wish list that I don't have. Addicting, I tell you, addicting, this chicken habit.

Hi, can ya tell what feed store that is that has all the chicks? I will ride out that way and check them out. Thanks a bunch!
I'm in the Kathleen area just north of Lakeland, pretty close to you there Clermont, maybe half an hour or so?
Yes, Lakeland is not far at all. I go by there all the time heading the the gulf coast.

Leepsy, my cousin lives in Bell and I was just there last Friday. Are you familiar with Don Bennink and North FL Holsteins? That is his farm...he took 12 of the chicks I ordered, NH Reds.

I have 2 RIR, 3 Red Sex Links, 3 Dominiques and 4 Amerucanas. All 16 days old and growing. Anyone else had success with these breeds?
Hey there!
You're no too far from me, either, in St. Petersburg. Would you be interested in a 1 year pair of Sebastopol Geese or 4 laying (under 1 years old) Russian Orloff hens?
Do any of ya'll know of any auctions that do poultry in the Levy, Alachua or Dixie county areas? Any details would be great! Thanks a bunch.
Hello again! I'm in Shady Hills, just South of Spring Hill. I had 6 Buff Orpingtons, but lost two. I also have 2 Americaunas and 2 Rhode Island Reds. A friend of mine is going to give me a breeding pair of Toulouse geese. I'm wondering if I can keep them in the same pen at night? I close up the chicks in their coop for the night, so the geese can have the pen to themselves in the evening. I was thinking of just letting the geese free range in the daytime. Does anyone out there know of any reason why this wouldn't work? I'd like to know before I get the geese.

P.S. My friend lives in Brooksville and has 14 more geese she'd like to find homes for...all toulouse.
Can't have any geese where I live, it's somewhat rural around here, but were are in the town limits. Oh, well. What I really want is a mini donkey! Maybe one day, if we ever move.

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