flowers 'N' flower boxes

I would put it up high so that the chickens cant get to it!
Don't get discouraged! It is entirely possible to have flower (and salad in my case) beds surrounding your coop/run!

I don't have great pictures, but I do have two planting beds lining my run. My chickens spend about half their time in the run and half outside under the trees, with full access to both planting beds.

This pen is the 12' x 12' run. Along the entire back side I have a 12' x 2' flower bed, planted with xeriscape (native drought resistant) flowers.

Along the front of the pen, where the gate is, I have a 6' x 2' salad mix bed. The hen in the picture below is standing in front of it.

These are not raised beds, which I'm sure would have been even easier to keep looking pretty.

I lined each bed in that hen-height garden trim fencing. That's all the protection those plants get. For the first couple of weeks, when everything was just sprouts, I did try to be more observant and shoo the hens from the plants. Once they hit half-grown size though, they were on their own. The hens really don't like being trapped behind the fencing, preferring to munch away (on the salad only) from the outside.

The salad bed was planted for them, and I didn't mind them eating the leaves through either fence. I pick some every day for their snacks.


Good luck! It can be done!
YES! You CAN have chickens and flowers at the same time!! The secret is abundance. Plant lots, especially flowers that will reseed themselves and perennials that will come back every year. My Girls sample a few here and there, but for the most part, are more interested in eating grass. A dinky garden will get eaten...


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