Fluorescent lighting


8 Years
Feb 23, 2013
NE Ohio
I'm still working on my quail pen...I put up rope lighting because I read it's enough light for them and I figured it would be safe too. Well, it might be enough light for them but not for me. Down with the rope light, up with the fluorescent. My question is: do I need to cover the fixture with some kind of screen? Will they be able to fly up and break the bulbs? Thanks in advance
If they have the room, they can fly up 15 feet or more. It wouldn't hurt to cover the bottom of the shrouds with some hardware cloth to protect the bulbs. :)
I agree... the first time you have to sweep up broken glass and powdered magnesium from the pen, you will regret not doing it.
I figured that but doesn't hurt to ask. Found my hardware cloth after looking for 20 minutes(why on earth did I put it THERE?) now I just have to figure out how to attach it. I'm thinking drill holes and tie wrap it.
I figured that but doesn't hurt to ask. Found my hardware cloth after looking for 20 minutes(why on earth did I put it THERE?) now I just have to figure out how to attach it. I'm thinking drill holes and tie wrap it.
A large zip tie threaded through the hardware cloth and around the light fixture should work.
edited to add: you only really need to put the hardware cloth on the bottom of the light fixture to protect the lights. I know you will understand, but somebody else may wrap the entire light fixture.
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Excellent! That is exactly what I had in mind too. Beautiful enclosure as well!

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