Fly issues?

Ooooohhh. I like the bottle idea, I'm gonna try it. Do you glue the top to the bottom or something else? How big are the holes you hang it by so they don't get out?
I usually use old Coke bottles and i cut the top off just above the label area. This is when you fill the bottom with the water chicken waste. You remove the cap and invert the top so that the opening hangs down into the bottle like a funnel. Make sure the water is not so high that the inverted opening touches it. You need the flies to fly into the opening and up around the side of the inverted top.

I don't usually poke holes to hang the trap i make a sort of sling type of thing with string but it would be impossible to describe. It sort of looks like a hanging plant holder. I think holes, placed near the top of the completed trap would be fine as long as they are only slightly larger than the type of string/yarn you are using.
the strips do work very well.....i recently tried something a lady told me a spray bottle mix 1/2 pine oil and 1/2 water and spray coop woodwork ground once a day...this has really helped in my situation....i also use the bottles with attractant and this also helps...i think it takes a combination of things.

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