fly strike on Rooster.


11 Years
Apr 26, 2011
I read about fly strike.that is the reason it takes me at least two hours every morning to feed and water,clean the poop boards scoop up poo in the chicken runs.I hang fly ribbons.My Husband would shake his head.Because I fretted over keeping the coops and runs clean.Last night he was shocked at what I found on Foghorn .HE held him as I washed and picked the maggots from him.I came to the house and this is the place where I come in a emergency.We than sat up a table in the basement,as it had gotten dark.I filled a tub up with warm water and Epsom salt.The maggots just floated to the top.and I took a flash light and picked all that I could see.I than sprayed vetericyn on him.and Beta dine.He was feeling much better this morning.I check him and I must have gotten all the maggots.Horrible thing to think and see.what the flies can do.The fly population is the worst I have ever we live in a farm community
oh wow! Poor guy. I hang several traps over the weekend. We have never had this many flies before! It is crazy. I had a dog once who had fly strike. I had no idea what it was at first. It was awful. I felt so terrible for him! Not many things freak me out. I am not scared of spiders or snakes, but maggots (and june bugs) make me want to vomit.
Since I started raising chickens.I do things That I thought, I would never do.Needless to say I had a sleepless night last night.I was going over in my mind.I had noticed several weeks ago that the tips of his comb was really dark.This last winter even though we put bag balm and vaseoline on his comb.he still suffered frost bite.That's what his comb looked like.My husband takes care of the roosters.I take care of the hens.even though they are housed next to each other.I had not noticed any thing unusal going on with him.until yesterday.He was really droopy yesterday when I went down to the coop with some watermelon.I thought it was from the heat.but the rooster housed next to him.was fine.I could smell him.I went back to the house and told my husband that I thought he was over heated.he went down with a big pan of cool water to dunk his feet in.But he could not catch him.And than when I went to let the girls out for free ranging.i was also watching the rooster and I seen something hanging between his legs.and he kept pecking at his self.Later after he went to roost.that's when we caught him and found out he had fly strike.
He is back to his old cocky self.Last night I checked him.With the help of my Husband,I found two more Maggots on him.A vet tech.Suggested to me to use peroxide to flush the wound.And that would bring the maggots out.We did that last night.And put some Beta-Dine on him.This morning we did another check.and he was looking good.This was a good lesson for my Husband.To watch and observe when he was feeding and watering his Roos.
When we took our dog to the vet with it they used peroxide to flush the wound. Turned out he had scratched a small spot and they got in there. He had long hair so we did not notice at first.

Glad to hear he is doing better!! I had not thought about chickens getting it. Now I am worried about my hen who has a wound on her back from the other girls picking at her. I am keeping a close watch on her and hanging extra fly catchers!

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