Flying Chickens


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 25, 2010
Morganton NC
We're doing our run/pen area for chickens and had questions. How high can chickens 'fly' or jump with their flight feathers clipped? And as they get older and heavier do they stop trying to 'fly' so much. Just wondering to see how much we have to tweak our current ideas, thanks
I don't clip wings, but before we covered our run, our hens could fly over our 6 foot fence.
Not really sure, but 6 foot and covered is always the best bet, in my opinion.
Its not just how high they fly--its also what can fly in! If you can't have a covered run try netting over the top to keep out raptors as well as keep in your hens. Breed and weight determines how high they can fly. Four feet with netting will keep in many heavy standards but flighty leghorns and bantams can easily fly over 6 feet. Compromise at 6 feet with netting
I trimmed my Hamburgs' wings once and they still flew over my 5 feet tall fence. I caught them and trimmed them back again and that worked. They've grown back since their molt (a year ago) but since they're used to being in the yard all this time,they dont try to fly anymore. My larger breeds might fly a foot off the ground especially if I bring them treats.

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