Food for Bantam Chicks?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 16, 2012
I have 5 little bantam chicks (about 1-2 weeks old, TSC didn't specify their age) and I'm having problems with their food. One of them died suddenly a few nights ago. I'm assuming it was because of his (constant) pasty butt. One of my other bantams is having problems with pasty butt as well. I'm cleaning it 2-3 times a day. I'm wondering what the best type of food is for them. My 12 pullets ate Dumor chick starter and they all did fine, but none of them had pasty butt either.
I too used to feed this to my chicks. I always had prob's with pasty butts. almost lost one didn't catch it as quickly and started to get "backed up " with poo they can die from that.....i cleaned it up and helped it poo again and it was fine. sounds like that might have happened to your little one. so sorry. I decided to not feed store bought feed with this flock. I mix my own from whole grains. I do know that mixing your own feed is not for everyone this is just what I do. they are 9 weeks old now. and doing great I didn't have a 1 with a pasty butt problem at all. I also give ACV in their water from day 1.

Are you feeding anything other than their feed?
We went to TSC today to maybe find new food and spoke to someone who worked there. He and one other worker said they needed to be wormed or sprayed for mites. We bought some electrolytes (in case they need it again) and some tetracycline disolveable powder to put in their water. I was planning on treating the bantams, pullets, and my ducks tomorrow. They said the DuMor was "the best" but I also bought a "baby cake" block for the bantams. I'm still checking on their pasty butts frequently.
I was told not to feed Bantam Chicks Medicated feed? is this true? I have a hen trying to hatch out a mixture of both and the guy at the feed store told me I could, so I am pretty confused!
They will like the Baby Cakes, a few littles ones I had eat it down to the stick in a few days.

I feed Bantams the same thing as everything else. I have had the Pasty Butt issue only with the large fowl. I also treat the water with some type of vitamin supplement the first two weeks. One dead under two weeks is the norm around my house. Not sure that it was food related.
I was told if the chick drinks water before they eat as soon as they hatch they will always do that. End result no pasty but. I tried it with my 2 babies and they are doing fine! maybe that is the trick to show them water before food?
Good luck!

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