For all you butt fans....fluffy butts that is....

Glad you got some! I am urban and limited on how many birds, and can have no roos. In a another year or two when I cycle through my current flock of 5 I will be trying very hard to get a frizzel!For now I have this wonderful stoneware plate, that my husband made and my grandfather painted. We are potters, and my grandfather a painter. This pic posted is before it was fired/finished. The finished piece is proudly on our mantle at home!
Fluffy butts!!!
I love the plate!

Well, good luck with it all! I lived in the city until about 18 months ago and we didn't have more than 10 chooks until we moved. We're now in a semi-rural area with a reasonably large property - and 27 chickens and counting!

from Rachel.
This is HILARIOUS!! I LOVE the commentary!

Ahh!!! Gotta Love the Fuzzy Butt shots!!!

Here's some of mine...

Delaware Butt, aka Scratch Bandit.... sneaking into the scratch bin


Now she has roped the Wyandotte in as an accomplice...


Big fluffy Buff Orp butt found something yummy


Now she has a pair of Australorp butts sharing the feast!


Okay, this may be a very scrawny butt, BUT its still one of my favorite butt shots.... here's my little Serama pullet, gazing out to sea..... keep in mind, she's only 12 oz...

Ooh a calendar with each day having a different kind of fluffy butt...nice one lol. How about a fluffy butt calnedar that you can write on...yeah a dry erase board aw tehe. I just love all those fluffy butt pics. I know I like my chickens fluffyness too.

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