For those of you who use sand

That looks great...thanks for the informative picture!
I wouldn't worry about clumps, your chickens are just going to dig and dust bath in it. they will break up any clumps on the for weed fabric (coming from a landscaper) if you are planning on 4 inches of sand weed fabric would be useless as weeds will just grow on top of it.
It really doesn't matter what "type" of sand you use.

It's all just sand in the end

Clumping is due more to moisture as long as it's ALL sand, without a lot of other soil types mixed in

Get whatever is cheapest and easiest to find
I am new to all of this, and trying to research before asking questions, but I wondered - what about rock dust? I've got that in my barn stalls, and although I'm going to use a chicken tractor in all but the coldest months, I was thiking of creating a winter coop in one of the stalls. it has rock dust (and both stalls need more) so if that works, I'll be set. if not, then I will create a 2 by 6 "tray" for sand, and a coop / cage for the top of it.

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