For Those Who Ask About Zane...Here's My Boy Today (PICS)

So what's Zane's story? Can you direct me to a previous thread or give me the compact version

speckledhen -

Thank you for sharing pictures of Zane! What a handsome boy! So glad he is able to enjoy the things he loves - you, Gypsy, the new lawn, and chopped tomatoes!!!

You are so loving and patient with Zane - he is so lucky to have a home with you and your DH.
wow, a whole year? doesn't seem possible and you three went through so very, very much. but the outcome is still good and I am so glad Zane is still with us.
Thanks for sharing the updates of Zane with us. We have followed his story for the past year and cried with you and it warms the heart to see him. Thank you

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