Forced air temps should be what?


15 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Ithaca NY
I thought it was supposed to be 99-100, but I just read a post that made it sound like it should be closer to 95 for a forced air set up. Please advise.
Thanks guys, I am good to go then.
wiggler should always be 99.5, regardless of air movement.

The point about forced air (among many) is that the same temp is available throughout the incubator, allowing eggs to be set at different levels.
I don't have a water wiggler in this banter, so is the 99.5 still the temp to aim for?

Yes. But remember that you want an average temp, The air temp will vary with the heater cycling even in a forced air incubator.

The only time it shouldn't vary much is if your heater has proportional burst control.

That would be an expensive incubator. The cheaper ones still use on/off controls, even if they are electronic. That's one of the reasons wigglers are so danged useful.

Incubators like R-Com and Brinsea usually don't need them, but they cost $$$​

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