found 13 eggs UNDER the coop!

eggs are safe on the counter for several days from what I understand. I have read on here some people don't refrigerate theirs, I guess that is if you can eat them pretty fast. As long as they haven't been washed they should be safe.
Oh well then I would think I'm pretty safe here & I won't toss them. Frankly I think that at least 2 were laid yesterday because the chickens kept crying wolf & I kept running out there only to find nothing there. I'd had 2 eggs last week in the nest boxes (where they belong) & so I had been waiting for more 7 I should have known them crying wolf was really the egg song......
float test the eggs...

fill a glass with cold water and put the egg in it...make sure the water completely covers the should lay on its side...if it is standing straight up the egg is bad. you can tell when the egg is going bad as it starts to stand up. If it is slightly off the side and starting to stand you are good if it is halfway or completely upright, toss it.

eggs can stay on the counter for a week or two in cool weather only a couple of days then refrigerate them to be safe. Just do not wash them...the bloom on the egg is what helps preserve it, once that is gone the egg starts going.
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Thanks Cetawin I will do so in the am. They are in the fridge now & that should not effect the test right? Should I bring that back to room temp first?

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