Found Black spot in meat


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
I was processing my colored Range Broilers, an found a Black spot in the meat, right between the breast bone an rectum, right where you open them up. The spot is about the size of a silver Dollar on most of them. The fat right there is discolored too. This is the only place I have found any black. Is this OK to eat? ( I have been cutting it out) Does anyone know what this might be.? An is the rest of the bird ok to eat?
I cannot imagine that the meat would not be OK. I'd freeze 'em up and cook 'em and not give it a second thought.
The black mark on a few was only the size of a pea or bean, but there was 3 or 4 marks. After it was open an chilled it would turn blueish to gray. Bruise? I don't understand how they could have, But maybe.
Did you butcher yourself? could the spot actually be a greenish colour? If so, it could be the bile duct that got broken during processing, and stained the meat. If so--no biggie.
I was processing my colored Range Broilers, an found a Black spot in the meat, right between the breast bone an rectum, right where you open them up. The spot is about the size of a silver Dollar on most of them. The fat right there is discolored too. This is the only place I have found any black. Is this OK to eat? ( I have been cutting it out) Does anyone know what this might be.? An is the rest of the bird ok to eat?

I just found the same thing on some Color Yield Ranger Broilers I harvested today. Any update? Did you ever find out what it was and did you end up eating them? :)


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