Found blood in coop, appears to be from poop? Please help.


Aug 17, 2020
Central Virginia
As I was cleaning under the roosting bar today(please don't mind the poop I was in the middle of cleaning), I noticed blood on the wall and pine flakes under. I didn't notice until I had raked some which is why you see a few random bloody flakes. I'm not 100% sure which chicken it was but, I have an idea based on location and a few random sneezes that I've heard from one particular hen, one of our EE. This same hen, sometimes favors one of her legs. No mites or visible injuries and it never slows her down nor does she do it often enough for me to be too concerned. She hasn't lost any weight and is actually one of our larger hens.

I should add that this hen is also known for laying in random places so her not laying in the coop, makes it hard to track but, she did lay one today, in a nesting box. It's been about 3 weeks since she's done that. Again, I'm not positive that it is her but I vent checked as many of them, as possible and there appeared to be a brown tinted liquid around hers. Maybe she had just pooped?

After researching, i found that coccidosis might be the cause? I don't see any other symptoms of it though? Should I treat the flock anyway?

I should also add that we have one 3 week old chick and 5 week old chicks, being raised by other hens. Should I switch them to medicated feed?

Thank you so much! I'm a bit worried. Attached pics of blood and hen that I suspect. Both pics taken today.


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You should treat with Corid immediately.
Medicated feed isn't likely to have an effect in time.
Those chicks are at the right age for coming down with coccidiosis.
Treat all the young birds and keep the bedding bone dry. Coccidia needs moisture to complete their life cycle.
You should treat with Corid immediately.
Medicated feed isn't likely to have an effect in time.
Those chicks are at the right age for coming down with coccidiosis.
Treat all the young birds and keep the bedding bone dry. Coccidia needs moisture to complete their life cycle.
Thank you for your quick reply! As soon as my truck warms up, I'm headed to TSC to get Corid. I have a unopened bag of chick starter feed non medicated, so i figured I'd ask just in case I should exchange i, while there. I feel terrible, I didn't realize I needed medicated feed for chicks growing up with their moms outside 😟
Thank you for your quick reply! As soon as my truck warms up, I'm headed to TSC to get Corid. I have a unopened bag of chick starter feed non medicated, so i figured I'd ask just in case I should exchange i, while there. I feel terrible, I didn't realize I needed medicated feed for chicks growing up with their moms outside 😟
Don't beat yourself up. Whether or not you choose to give chicks medicated feed is purely personal. I never have, and neither have a lot of BYC members. And chicks could still get coccidiosis with medicated feed, even though their chances are lower. I always keep Corid handy though, just in case I do need it. This was the recommendation of the hatchery where I have ordered chicks. I've raised 2 rounds in a brooder, and two with a broody hen.
Don't beat yourself up. Whether or not you choose to give chicks medicated feed is purely personal. I never have, and neither have a lot of BYC members. And chicks could still get coccidiosis with medicated feed, even though their chances are lower. I always keep Corid handy though, just in case I do need it. This was the
Don't beat yourself up. Whether or not you choose to give chicks medicated feed is purely personal. I never have, and neither have a lot of BYC members. And chicks could still get coccidiosis with medicated feed, even though their chances are lower. I always keep Corid handy though, just in case I do need it. This was the recommendation of the hatchery where I have ordered chicks. I've raised 2 rounds in a brooder, and two with a broody hen.
Thank you for your kindness, that makes me feel a bit better. I got lucky and managed to get the last packet of Corid, that they had and get back in time for their nightly snack and drink, before bed. I watched most of them drink it up so fingers crossed it helps. I also added it to both chick waterers. We had nearly 6 inches of rain, over a two day period plus a lot of rain prior to that,, so the moisture would make sense. Thank you so much for your help!
Thank you for your quick reply! As soon as my truck warms up, I'm headed to TSC to get Corid. I have a unopened bag of chick starter feed non medicated, so i figured I'd ask just in case I should exchange i, while there. I feel terrible, I didn't realize I needed medicated feed for chicks growing up with their moms outside 😟
Don’t beat youself up! Medicated feed reduces the chances of a coccidiosis outbreak but does not prevent it 100%. I always keep Corid on hand just in case.
Don’t beat youself up! Medicated feed reduces the chances of a coccidiosis outbreak but does not prevent it 100%. I always keep Corid on hand just in case.
Thank you! Everyone here is so helpful and kind. It's been a rough few months. It started with an injured(pecked)hen, that was unable to open her eye. We thought we were going to lose her but the vet recommended oxytetracycline and she made a complete recovery. Then, the only chick that hatched from one of our hens first clutch, passed away almost immediately bc the poor thing hadn'tfully absorbed the yolk. The same hen later hatched two chicks, one of which we lost at 2 weeks (i think somehow another hen may have been able to peck her through the wire). Our other hen hatched 5 of her 6 eggs and the other never hatched but was a fully formed chick. All very tough, although i know it happens. Finding the blood in the coop was the last thing I expected, yesterday. I'm really hoping the Corid wipes this thing out. I really don't want another loss right now. 😔
Thank you! Everyone here is so helpful and kind. It's been a rough few months. It started with an injured(pecked)hen, that was unable to open her eye. We thought we were going to lose her but the vet recommended oxytetracycline and she made a complete recovery. Then, the only chick that hatched from one of our hens first clutch, passed away almost immediately bc the poor thing hadn'tfully absorbed the yolk. The same hen later hatched two chicks, one of which we lost at 2 weeks (i think somehow another hen may have been able to peck her through the wire). Our other hen hatched 5 of her 6 eggs and the other never hatched but was a fully formed chick. All very tough, although i know it happens. Finding the blood in the coop was the last thing I expected, yesterday. I'm really hoping the Corid wipes this thing out. I really don't want another loss right now. 😔
I've had a rough year, too. Chickens are heartbreakers. I hope this situation resolves for you.

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