Found my chicken dead

Strange, you don’t live were weasels or like animals are do you? One might have been able to sneak in and done that, though I suspect that it would have left a mess of feathers aswell. You might want to (this might sound heartless) remove the dead chicken but have it close by the coop, and set a camera up to view it. If an animal came in to try and get her they will probably come back for the body. I have a friends who has a decent sized poultry operation and that’s what she does when something kills a bird. Makes it easier to decide on what to do to protect the others
Or set a trap with that chicken in it. I caught a possum that way inside my coop. I brought all my chickens in the house for the night. (3 chickens) they were very curious in their rabbit and dog crates!
Oh, I was thinking it had been pulled out by something. Sometimes nocturnal animals will come out during the middle of the day. Don’t be sorry for being so descriptive, it helps in situations like these. With that and that she had past problems, it might have all be due to what ever was causing her prior pasty butt. I don’t know much about chicken diseases. My guess is that the pasty butt might have been a symptom of whatever caused this to happen. Maybe autopsy her or see if a vet can? I’d hate it to end up being something that might spread to the others, though I’m doubtful since it sounds like she was the only one having problems.
I think it was more prolapse than attack. There were no signs of attack. But I just wondered why it would spontaneously prolapse? 🤔
Was it intestine?
What did her vent look like?


What were the pasty butt issues?
It was intestine. Her vent looked normal but over the last 7 months or so she has had what I would describe as pasty butt. She didn't have it as a chick but I'd have to clean her up every couple of weeks because of an adult pasty butt. She didn't have problems with it over the last 2 months so I thought things were getting better then yesterday I went out and she was in the pen with prolapse intestine and her foot was caught in it! 😫
Oh no. I'm so sorry. When pasty butt happens in adult chickens, it's called Vent Gleet. That sounds like gleet as well as an extreme prolapse. So, so sorry. :hugs:(

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