Found my hen laying on her side. How can I help her?


5 Years
Oct 12, 2017
I went into my coop and found one of my hens laying on her side. I noticed her being less active the past couple days, but she still came running when I brought out food and acted normal then. Now she's just laying in a ball with her eyes closed. She also wheezes every now and again when she breathes. She just started doing this within the past hour. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help her. Thank you
Sorry about your hen. Can you give her some water and if you have any, some poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes? How old is she? Is she laying eggs? Has she been able to get enough food and water? I would worry about Mareks disease, but there could be another cause. Her breathing could be from gasping and being very ill.
I've been reminding people day in and day out to watch out for coccidiosis this time of year. Look up pictures of coccidiosis poop and signs and compare it to your chicken. If you think it matches then treat with CORID NOT sulmet.
I would also feel of her crop to check if it is empty and flat, full and firm, or puffy. Look her over form lice and mites. If she normally lays eggs, you may insert a finger into her vent up to two inches to check for egg binding.
She is between 8-12 months I think. I didn't raise her as a baby. There is no discharge from her nostril, but a little drool from her mouth it looked like. I live in Michigan and it went from 80 degree weather to 40 degree weather rather quickly within the past 3 weeks. It was very humid a couple weeks ago, but not recently as the temperature dropped. She has not free ranged since I had her. She stays in a 20x10 coop with 10 other birds. I'm not sure when she last laid an egg, I think it's been a little while. They have straw as bedding. And I have 20% corid mixed in water Im trying to give her. Sofar I can't get her to swallow it.
Thanks to all for your help. But despite our efforts, my hen, Bella, has passed away. I appreciate the help and information I was given regardless. Thank you.

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