Found my hen with a very swollen vent, with wings spread out and panting, advice needed on how to help her

I would suspect either Egg Yolk Peritonitis or Salpingitis. Cancers can also cause those symptoms.

I am so sorry to say so, but the conditions that cause ascites are not curable ones. You may be able to prolong their lives some with treatments, but most people will just euthanize since it is painful for the hen when advanced. I usually wait till it is clear they can't do any normal things or enjoy their time with the flock and then cull.

Do you have access to or the funds to go to an avian vet? They could tell you if there are treatment options, but as listed before, they are only bandaid solutions. A regular vet can do the euthanizing part, too, if you struggle with it (like a lot of us do). You can also learn methods on here to do it.
The best treatment for EYP is to put the bird on repeated contraceptive implants to stop her laying, a course of antibiotics for the infection and either drain the fluid from the abdomen or see if it gets resorbed on its own. It’s an expensive road to go down but it can allow a bird with reproductive issues to live a healthy life. You need to get on top of it early though.

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