Found soft shell egg in manure box this morning

I just read through and looked at your pictures. I just went in this morning to do my regular things for my girls day, and had one follow me in, pecking around on the floor. I saw her pecking at something that was not a wood chip, or food. I knew what that was! A piece of soft egg shell. I have been waiting and waiting for my Partridge Rock to start laying. So, I see this one little piece of egg shell in one of my girls mouth! I try to get it, she runs out and swallows it! I look around, don't see anything more. I know they all ate the egg. I am worried she won't get the hang of it and keep dropping her eggs. Hopefully she should when the egg gets harder, and will start laying in a nest box. She has been checking out the the nest boxes lately..? Guess the egg was so soft, she didn't know what was happening when she passed it. I don't want my chickens eating eggs!

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