Found this chick by my apartment

Whoa! nice find but I bet it's roo look at those huge legs! could be why it was lost? you may wanna rethink your plans about keeping it indoors if it is a boy but no rush yet doubt he will start crowing until a few months time, keep us posted how the little one turns out , good luck with him
Hi from Toronto. If it is a roo, don't do what someone did in the north west of the city. When we were out for a bike ride on the river, we noticed a roo that was living in the brush. Some locals walking by told us he's been there for at least a year.

Just as an FYI, chickens are outlawed in Toronto. Not that any of us are paying attention to the bylaw! :D
I bet it's some sort of red breed or red mix. As others have said make sure you're keeping him or her warm and get some chicken food. Definately do some research on indoor chicken keeping and see if it's something you're willing to dedicate yourself to. If not, perhaps there is a friendly farmer that is willing to keep the chicken and allow you to visit. good luck to you.
First off, I think it may be a rooster, too. It looks so BIG for a chick that hasn't even feathered out yet-----or maybe it's just one of the really big breeds of chicken.

Second, LOVE your username----made me think of the song, "Found a peanut, found a peanut, found a peanut just now. Just now I found a peanut, found a peanut just now."

Good luck with your chick-------it looks pretty healthy.
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Again, thanks for the help. The little guy is doing well.

Are there any telltale signs I could look for to know if its a rooster?
It usually takes a while to tell if it's a roo or not. Comb, wattles and saddle feathers are some indicators. Different breeds are harder or easier to tell as well. As your chick feathers out...people will be able to offer some ideas.

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