Fowl pox or battle wounds on my roo?


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2016
My poor roo Foghorn had to be isolated due to bloody behind (I was told my other chickens may have pulled his"blood"feathers? Idk a lot about chickens as this is my first flock so I am still learning very much. I have him isolated bc they kept picking his bloody rear. Well now he is showing little soecks of black on his comb. Originally I assumed he had been picked at and it left a little scab. But they have gotten larger and I am beginning to worry it is fowl pox? Any advice please!



Poor guy is falling apart on me and I need help nursinghim back to health!!
That does not appear to be fowl pox, but blood spots due to pecking. Sometimes fly bites will cause the tiny black spots, but the bigger ones are most likely peck wounds. His vent area is pretty torn up, and this can lead to cannibalization. I would spray his vent with Vetericyn wound spray, or apply some 10%betadine, or plain neosporin ointment until it heals. I would keep him in a crate in with the other chickens, so they stay familiar with each other. Reasons for excessive pecking can be from a lack of room, not getting outside to roam enough, not enough protein in the diet, but also age differences, pecking order, and breeds can be a factor.
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Thank you, what a relief! I have him in a dog kennel near the coop. He misses being with his ladies! We have been trying the vetrycin spray and this stuff that smells like a&d ointment but its purple and says it will help stop pecking from other chickens. Which cant happen while hes in a crate but were trying it until it heals all the way. Thanks so much!!
he had the prettiest tail feathers before they were tore out!
Oh, YIKES! I didn't realize the last pick was his tail! Definitely keep him away from the others, or keep the tail area covered with Vetricyn, or something. Once they see blood, it's on & they don't stop. I have used cornstarch in a pinch to mask the blood. However Vetricyn has much better healing properties in it.

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