Fox attack advise!


In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2023
Hello all! We had a visit by mr fox early hours this morning. My dog came to wake me up. When I looked outside I could see a fox circling the pen. I ran downstairs and let my dog out. He chased the fox off with no hesitation! I’ve done a full inspection of the coop. He hasn’t managed to break in. But when I check my flock one of my rescue hands has a cut face? I think he might of tried to bite her through the fence. The roam freely in the day with my dog. Am I can only assume she wasnt scared of the fox and got attacked. The coop is secure but I’ve now ordered some bared wire to run round the edge of the coop. Im not worried about the fox digging under as it’s concreted all round with large pieces of wood at the bottom. Im now worried to let them out in fear of the fox coming back? Will a fox re visit a coop?


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Shotgun, or leave your dog out 24/7 ...

Coiled up barbed wire laying on the ground "might" keep it away from the fence ... But will be a nuisance for you to deal with, strung 5"-6" apart 2' high, 12" out from existing fence could also work, but would essentially be two fences ... Or, electric.
It will be back, and she will take a chicken with you standing in the yard only a few feet away if it gets a chance.

I'm thinking your hen was bouncing off the run walls and that's how she got cut up.
Barbed wire will be more of a problem to mess with for you and your dog than it will for a fox--I personally would not use it. Ditto others who suggest electric poultry fencing or running a hot wire/hot tape along the outside top and bottom of your (fenced?) run space.

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