In the Brooder
- Apr 14, 2015
- 46
- 1
- 26
I let my 10 hens outside 2 days ago and sat on my swing while they foraged. After they'd been out for 10 minutes or so, a fox ran out of the woods, ran right past me and went after my hens. I jumped up and screamed and ran at the fox. Before I got to her, she grabbed one of my girls (a barred rock named Pepper) and pinned her to the ground, trying to get a better grip so she could run off with her....luckily, I got to them before she could get a good grip. I tripped and fell flat on my face about 5 feet away and it spooked the fox into dropping Pepper and she ran off. I unhooked my dog and sent her after the fox...(she had no luck catching it because she is overweight)
Anyways, Pepper is alive and I left her alone for a day because she was in shock. She slept that night in the corner of the coop on the floor but the next morning, she was out in the run, walking around veeeery slowly. I finally examined her today, and found a scabbed over puncture would on her lower back/rump area. She also has a bald patch where a ton of feathers were pulled out. She is eating and drinking today but is making low cooing sounds and her feathers are all puffed up.
My question is....should I separate her from the other girls? She seems to be getting back to normal but I think she must still be in pain and I wonder if putting her in a pet carrier in the house would be better for her or if it will cause her undue stress.
This is my first experience with an injury to my girls and i've read quite a bit but I dont want to stress her out if I dont have to. The other hens are leaving her alone so I dont know if I should let her be or move her to a place where she can rest more comfortably without having to worry about the other hens.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Also....although the wound is scabbed over and everything looks ok (no oozing, no blood) should I still attempt to clean it and put some vetericyn on the scab?
Anyways, Pepper is alive and I left her alone for a day because she was in shock. She slept that night in the corner of the coop on the floor but the next morning, she was out in the run, walking around veeeery slowly. I finally examined her today, and found a scabbed over puncture would on her lower back/rump area. She also has a bald patch where a ton of feathers were pulled out. She is eating and drinking today but is making low cooing sounds and her feathers are all puffed up.
My question is....should I separate her from the other girls? She seems to be getting back to normal but I think she must still be in pain and I wonder if putting her in a pet carrier in the house would be better for her or if it will cause her undue stress.
This is my first experience with an injury to my girls and i've read quite a bit but I dont want to stress her out if I dont have to. The other hens are leaving her alone so I dont know if I should let her be or move her to a place where she can rest more comfortably without having to worry about the other hens.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Also....although the wound is scabbed over and everything looks ok (no oozing, no blood) should I still attempt to clean it and put some vetericyn on the scab?
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