Fox got the chickens again. What kind of dog will protect them?

Some of our coops we can not move, but the ones we can are going to be moved into the goat fence as soon as the dog gets a little older. Thanks for all the advice!!!
I have a big ole doberman that lives with my chickens. He pays them no attention at all. My one roo loves to run over and jump on his head and run off again. tag. I put the dobe out there after a wandering hunting dog attacted my flock, and have not had any problems since.
I have a pit, a pom, and a lab.....If a chicken gets left out at night and doesn't fly in a tree...the fox will get them. Our dogs could care less
I didn't read the whole thread.

But one thing I have learned from predators is that they come back for another meal as long as they can get to the food.

I hope your dog idea works.

But I would also suggest predator proof coops and pens.

Just A Thought
I had a Lab that kept all predators out; I have a Newfoundland that gives a crap IF she spots something, mostly she doesnt - deer stay in our yard for HOURS before she even spots them; I had a Shetland Sheepdog that would take long trips to FIND chickens in backyards - with intent to herd to DEATH; That and all dog stories you're reading here: bottom line is unless you are Ceasar Milan, even though breeds have "characteristics" you have no idea what your dog is really going to do/be like.... (I use to do dog psychology research and training for a thesis). I just wouldnt really count on a dog as a good fix.... Predator proofing is king....
I have 2 Rat Terriers. I have always had Rat Terriers in the yard, because they are excellent varment dogs, and will alert me of any unwanted presence.

I have an old tractor shed 20x20, that I wired acroos the front, and installed a gate.

I have 8 runner pens inside full of my most precious bantams. I pen my Rat Terriers up inside the tractor shed with my free range chickens, and penned bantams as well.

I also have a Red Nose Pitbull in the yard as well.

Just last night my plan of action worked like a charm. I heard the Terriers barking and raising cane, so I grabbed the flashlight and my single barrel shotgun, and went to the shed to investigate.

When I heard the Pitbull barking, I knew it was no joke. When I got to the shed, I noticed the Terriers looking up, and barking, so I shined my light up in the raftors.

There was the culprit. A big racoon hissing and snarling down from the rafters above.

I held the light in my left hand and shouldered the shotgun with the other. Well, I'm sure you know what came next.

I would recommend terriers
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So... I have a similar problem with a fox. Just saw him last night. Luckily all the chickens were safely penned.
But how do I get rid of the fox (foxes) Can you trap them? If so, where do I find one? I have no problem "disposing" a fox, but first I have to either see it or catch it.
Does anyone have any suggestions.
Also, if you have your dog guard the chickens, how do you keep your dog from wandering off? I know mine will go over the hills if I don't keep an eye on her.


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