FOX: Is there ANY way to get EVICT them from the premises?

I haven't read all the comments, but what about live traps and relocation far away? I imagine if they are this active getting them trapped would be a cakewalk. We've had good luck with traping coons and feral cats over the years. It's the same family/couple foxes right? So you just need this specific family gone?

Or relocate to an area that you can safely/legally dispose of them so they don't cause others issues if you're comfortable doing that.
I have electric poly rope wires. I don't think a predator can smell but don't know it to be a fact. Most predators do first explore with their noses. I have electric wires around my coops and pens and there are occasions particularly in the spring when I have heard critters test my wires. Once they know they're there, I think they teach their young that a bird isn't worth getting zapped for. I have a quite powerful fence charger and have touched the wires accidentally forgetting to turn off the power and when I touched the wires I knew it. I want anything that touches the wires to know it.
We have a large Victorian home in a neighborhood of large Victorians on small, in-town lots. Behind our house we have a big carriage barn, and part of the barn has been our coop for several years. Two years ago I lost my whole flock to a fisher. Prior to this, we have had a small flock of 8 hens for 15+ years and never had a predator attack. One of the hens we lost was 8 years old. Anyway, I didn't replace them right away, and for two years (that we know of-- most likely longer!) a family of fox have been living in under the barn, cavorting in the back yard. We set up a trail camera and they're very active. Last summer they raised 4 kits under there, despite our many attempts to get them to leave, and the fact that we also have three big dogs in our fenced yard. They don't seem to care. This year we need them to GO because we have chicks ordered, set to be delivered on 4/28.

Is there any effective way to get fox to LEAVE?! Other than shooting them; as I said our lots are small and our neighbors are close. We have tried everything: solar powered flashing "predator" eyes, ammonia-soaked rags, motion-activated water blaster, radio, dog urine, husband urine, coyote urine (bottled. who knew?) tin foil, hardware cloth, crushed red pepper flakes... all to no avail. Latest was heavy-duty no-dig spike strips that are buried in the ground, to deter digging under. Last night they moved several cubic yards of dirt and rock and dug down 16" and got in again. We are at our wits' end.

Is an effective fox solution that doesn't involve firearms a rare unicorn? Does ANYTHING work?
Catch'em Alive traps from Tractor Supply. Drive them 10 miles away and let them go. We've instructed our boys to pee directly into every foxhole they can find. You can buy predator urine to sprinkle around. Don't choose a native animal like wolf or bear as it can attract them to you. Choose lion or tiger. Just know, they'll only get chased off a little ways, but they'll come back for your new chickens.
Drive them 10 miles away and let them go.
Check the laws where you live before trying that-- in many places it is illegal.

Other than laws, reasons to not release a predator include:
--bad for the fox (other predators live there, it may get killed or chased away or starve)
--bad for other foxes (the one you move might spread parasites and diseases to others)
--bad for people (if you don't want a fox near you, what about the people in the new place?)
Catch'em Alive traps from Tractor Supply. Drive them 10 miles away and let them go. We've instructed our boys to pee directly into every foxhole they can find. You can buy predator urine to sprinkle around. Don't choose a native animal like wolf or bear as it can attract them to you. Choose lion or tiger. Just know, they'll only get chased off a little ways, but they'll come back for your new chickens.
Yeah, the people ten miles away will be pissed.
Just a rhetorical question..Why, In more urbanized and densely populated areas where we give up so many property rights and allow restrictions on many other rights and pay extra for the privilege, do we allow the governmental units such as animal control and the wildlife dept.s (Dog catcher and DNR) to abdicate the responsibilities for wildlife management and predator control and force it back on the citizens?

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