Fox killed two of my chickens and keeps coming back! please help!

Frankie Ruiz

6 Years
Oct 19, 2013
Long Island, New York
hello everybody, about 3 weeks ago a fox killed one of my chickens while free ranging.. a few days ago a fox killed another one of my chickens that escaped.. yesterday i saw it in front of my run trying to find a way in at sunset, and just today i saw it again trying to find a way in. i chased him off both times. any suggestions on how i can get rid of him? i have no problem dispatching it if thats what it comes too, i have a .22 caliber air rifle used to kill varmints up to coyotes, its just difficult to get a shot off because the distance he keeps from me is too far, any suggestions are appreciated, thank you.
Look at varmint calling. A good rabbet or bird in distress call my pull him in close enough for a good shot. You need a good hide and must remain still and silent. IMHO, if you give a varmint enough time I have never seen a pen built by man that can't be breached. Keeping chickens safe is a proactive sport and it works best when you have several layers of protection. In the natural world predators (of which man is one) don't hesitate to "Take Care of Business" That to me means that it should be your first and your final response. Good fences, pens, coops, and barriers all come somewhere between "taking care of business and taking care of business" But watching this video may give you some more ideas.

Had same problem until I let my 2 dogs stay outside with my free range flock. Only reason why they weren't outside, was because I couldn't trust them to stay off the road when I left to run errands. No fencing here, so I got them trained & now no more brazen foxes! :)

You could attempt to call it in. This brings the fox in real close, so a shotgun works best for this set up.
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thanks for the replys! the free ranging with dogs idea isnt an option for me, my dogs want the chickens worse then the foxes! lol, but i think im going to try the rabbit distress call and try and set up a blind in some brush to get a shot off, this fox has cost me too much trouble already and its time to go. again, thanks guys.
also, a shotgun wouldnt work for me because of my neighbors, i live in the suburbs so a .22 can air rifle is the best i can get away with for pest control out here, pretty big plots of land full of brush around my property, seems like the perfect habitat for foxes and other pests to live, ive noticed that when ever i chase the fox or maybe even foxes (hopefully not) away they retreat to a specific part of the brush, im guessing thats where there den is. unfortunately it isnt on my property.
Look into snares.
If you try to get him within range to shoot be sure the wind is not blowing to the direction he comes from.

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