Fox proof coop

Thanks! I never even really looked at my profile on here yet. I'll update it later tonight.

The fox got him by jumping inside the run at night/early morning. Lack of knowledge on my part and I learned the hard way we were scrounging for time building the coop and I needed to get them outside as they were cramped in the dog kennel and panting with it being 65 so we put up the 1st 4' of chicken wire on bottom and planned to do the rest a few days later. At that point I also didnt know they could chew through chicken wire or I would have spent the extra money getting hardware cloth. Also didnt know they could climb fence or jump 4ft. I wasnt worried about coons for the time being as nobody has saw the coons around in the past 3yrs. When I went out and saw the murder scene I instantly assumed coon until I read that fox were able to do all of the above and not even 10 mins after I cleaned him up the stupid thing came back In the yard, daylight as we were all in the yard and wouldnt leave until I let my dog out after him. Then later that day came back another 5 times.
I've had them locked in the coop house at night ever since and they are only in the run during the day when we are home and free roam when we are physically outside with them. My pitbull has taken on her role as nanny dog to them just like she is our kids so I'm not worried when shes out with them. Even when we got the ducklings and my drake was being an ass and charging at them she would jump up and put herself between the 2.

Also hawks and other predator birds are very rarely seen around here, I never even saw one the entire time I worked on the dairy farm with cats and what not everywhere. We do have a jungle gym with coverag, a large table, pines and leave the coop doors open while out (tin roof coop/run) so they do have quite a bit of coverage for our yard size. We did have an owl that would sit in our front yard the 1st year we were here but havnt saw it since (2 yrs) but once again in the coop at night.

Either fox or coon were in the front yard last night though. Could hear them chattering but couldnt see. My dog had hair raised and was pointing smelling and did a search around the back yard fence but must not have saw them either. I'd sware coon except the night the fox came back it sounded exactly like coon chatter mins before he jumped into our fence
Dont mind the poor carpentry!!! My husband didnt have the time or enough supplies to properly square it and ended up needing to use a jigsaw cutter on some portions.

Poultry floor is ½" gaps, cover the open ends from it being raised at night.

I'm aware they can get through chicken wire which is why they now go in the coop at night. I dont have the money right now to toss all the wire I just double layered up to replace.

Coop door I just have a bolt stuck in a drilled hole that keeps it lifted and it slides down when I take it out. I'm thinking I could bend a latch and use either a spring loaded clip or a carabine clip.

The edge on the left of the door is majorly uneven and where I'm going to try to screw on some tin over the edge.

2" gap right under the roof on 8ft back wall of coop I'm going to try to order some hardware cloth to slap there just to be safe and be able to put a window in the addition we're building and layer on the inside and outside.

Latches I'm not sure exactly what I can do yet without having to go buy new so I'm brainstorming today
spring loaded had better be pretty powerful, We've had damn coons escape being trapped in a live traps, they are very good at latches, friend finally put a padlock on to lock them in due to coons
spring loaded had better be pretty powerful, We've had damn coons escape being trapped in a live traps, they are very good at latches, friend finally put a padlock on to lock them in due to coons

Do you think a latch with a carabine would be okay? The ones were you have to unscrew and then push the bar in to unlatch? Our coop door is 6ft and raised 8" off the ground so the handle is roughly 3 1/2- 4 ft off the ground. They would have to climb straight up laminate plywood paneling and then unlock it while up there... theres no where they would be able to sit or hold onto other than the 2" handle that's typically on kitchen drawers. As far as the duck door I'm going to figure out a latch to latch on the inside of the coop house.
I only want to avoid a paddle lock because I have a 5yr old and they are technically her ducks so she likes to take the responsibility of them and I encourage her to do so. She definitely cant do a combo lock yet and I gaurentee between her and her 2yr old brother the key would be gone in no time
Do you think a latch with a carabine would be okay? The ones were you have to unscrew and then push the bar in to unlatch? Our coop door is 6ft and raised 8" off the ground so the handle is roughly 3 1/2- 4 ft off the ground. They would have to climb straight up laminate plywood paneling and then unlock it while up there... theres no where they would be able to sit or hold onto other than the 2" handle that's typically on kitchen drawers. As far as the duck door I'm going to figure out a latch to latch on the inside of the coop house.
I only want to avoid a paddle lock because I have a 5yr old and they are technically her ducks so she likes to take the responsibility of them and I encourage her to do so. She definitely cant do a combo lock yet and I gaurentee between her and her 2yr old brother the key would be gone in no time
I have a simple spring loaded carabiner to lock the hasp (that was the word i couldn't remember this afternoon) at the duck house door:
as long as thy don't have a way to climb and drop down to roof of it you should be ok with that too I would think
Never ever underestimate a Raccoon! - I had one lurking around who had experience with life traps, it was stealing the bait without triggering the trap multiple times. No clue what happened to it, it suddenly vanished. Maybe go run over on the road?
as long as thy don't have a way to climb and drop down to roof of it you should be ok with that too I would think

I'm thinking it will be fine as the door is on the 8ft section so even if they hung from the roof, which is tin so not really any grip, they would have to reach down 5ft to get the latch. That's the biggest reason my husband only put a simple slide latch on but I want to at least put something that's more complex to open

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