Foxes in my flock’s area


5 Years
Aug 13, 2018
I experienced two losses( chicken hens) about 3 weeks apart and then I added ( out of necessity) some young birds to the flock and THEN we saw them. First we saw a red fox ( we live in a rural part of Central Pennsylvania), a couple of times, but no more losses( we have an electric wire going around the penn about 12-14 in his off the ground.). Then one day I saw, what had to be, a gray fox run down the back of our property by the bird penn. So that’s 2 foxes! ( that we know of) and our birds( chickens, ducks, and geese) are free ranging during the day. The two times that I have seen these foxes have been at like 5:30 pm so I’ve been locking the birds up before that time every day. What else can I do?
I experienced two losses( chicken hens) about 3 weeks apart and then I added ( out of necessity) some young birds to the flock and THEN we saw them. First we saw a red fox ( we live in a rural part of Central Pennsylvania), a couple of times, but no more losses( we have an electric wire going around the penn about 12-14 in his off the ground.). Then one day I saw, what had to be, a gray fox run down the back of our property by the bird penn. So that’s 2 foxes! ( that we know of) and our birds( chickens, ducks, and geese) are free ranging during the day. The two times that I have seen these foxes have been at like 5:30 pm so I’ve been locking the birds up before that time every day. What else can I do?
Foxes come at different times of the day.
This time of the year especially, free ranging without electric fencing is not safe at all.
If you've seen 2 foxes, you probably have many more. I get 3-4 foxes at a time on my game camera lots of nights. This time of year they are out at all different times, not just at night.

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