Free for All Chickens Contest - prize! (Sort of.) RESULTS on PG 4

Delta2 23

Flock Master
11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
Vote by "liking" your favourite entry. If there is more than one picture in the post, specify which one you're voting for in the 'like' comment. Oh, and please spread the word to other BYCers if you can! :D

Been a while since I've made a contest. Why not, I say. :p
Enter any picture you want, as long as you took it and it's of your chickens, and provide a couple of details:

Name(s) of Chicken(s):
Title for picture:

If I have trouble deciding on a winner, maybe I'll make a poll. Or can you guys still volunteer to be judges?
Winner gets a drawing of their entry. Example: (I'm pretty sure my drawing has gotten better though, this contest was from '08 or '09)

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Chicken name: Nick
Title: My Little Roo
Breed: Conchin

Chicken name: Nick
Title: Close-up
Breed: Conchin

Chickens names: Maevis ( Silkie) Nick ( Conch)
Title: Nap Time
Breeds: Silkie and Conchin
My favorite
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"Hey Lucy, go get Ethel. The dog is back but this time we got her!"
Sofia-left, EE with a crossed beak.Lucy-right, RIR. Ethel-RIR is far right. Lyla-Napping Golden Retriever.

"Wheezy, can you help me out here?"
Wheezy-Ancona, Lyla-Very itchy Golden Retriever


This is my darling little barred Cochin pullet, she's about 5 weeks old in this picture. Her name is Marbles (thanks to my 5 year old daughter :p )
"Wait, do we draw a picture or take a picture of one of our chooks?"

EDIT / My Entry

This is Jingle my silver sebright rooster.
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