free range and oyster shell


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 16, 2009

My 4 Egyptian Fayoumis roam my yard and free range all day. They eat grass, bugs, corn and sunflower seeds, worms and most of the stuff in my garden
. They also have an unlimited supply of layer pellets that they really don't eat much of. They are 4 months old and according to my research should be approaching egg laying age! So since they fill up on other stuff and barely touch the commercial feed i am afraid they may need a calcium supplement. But if they barely eat the perllets, will they eat the crushed oyster? Will they know if they need it? Thoughts would be greatly appreciated

I dunno- but with my own birds that JUST started laying and I free range them a bit as well, they devour the oyster shells. I think because they are white in relation to everything else in the yard that is dirt brown they find them attractive... I actually wondered if they could eat too much shell. If their shells look weak, add some into their diet by offering it on the dark ground. I just sprinkle it around and they go for it. Also tried it in a bucket, but they had no want of it then.
Yes, the birds will take what they want/need. I always have a dish of free choice oyster shells and a dish of free choice granite grit available to them 24/7. I choose granite as it is the hardest and last longest to help the birds in grinding there food/treats.

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