Free Range Chickens-good idea or not?

Yeah, if there's a downside to free ranging, that's it - they will get in your garden and eat what they want. So intead of fencing my chickens in - I fenced my garden in. Yesterday the gates were left open and they all got in and were eating the new little bean and pea sprouts that had just started coming up and munching on the lettuce. I was out there "shoeing" to no avail - they wouldn't budge - I started trying to feed them biscuits and other treats to get them out but they just ignored me like "Nope, this is better - sorry we're not leaving".
I have a 50 by 70 yard with 6 girls. I have a tractor type coop. I don't even close the door at night. They go in at night and out in the morning. But I have a 6 foot privacy fence and no predator issues.
Ours get to free-range, occasionally, when we're around to watch them. They' SO DARN HAPPY when they're free-ranging!! I feel like a much better mom when I allow them the freedom to be real chickens. I know there's a risk involved, but I think it's worth it.
Free ranging for me is pretty good. The easter eggers ALWAYS go up to the turkeys and eat their food..
Remember also to close their door at night if you do free range. I think they are healthier when they free range. (or if you have a Run for them). Have fun if you do!
I have both a safe, enclosed large run for mine but also let them free range most days for a few hours. (Only when I'm here to keep an eye on them due to predators. I have to lock up my own dogs when I let the chickens free range as my dogs love a chicken dinner!)

Anyway, when I walk outside in the afternoons the girls come running, bawking up a storm demanding I let them out to free range. (You should hear them yelling at me.) I can literally see a difference in their attitudes when they are free ranging ... they are truly happier.

I believe chickens are happier when free ranging, so if it's an option I highly encourage it.
I have a question about free range, Can i let me chickens and turkeys free range together? everything that i have read said that they must be housed seperately but nothing says anything about free range!
Anyone have any opinions?
Thank you
Hi MarJen - welcome. If the chickens are grown, I don't see a problem with letting them free range together - doesn't seem much different from the recommendations that you let them free range with guineas.
I have been free ranging my chickens for almost eight years now. They are healthier and produce more eggs as a result. I have had chickens, turkeys, guineas, geese and ducks free ranging together. The rule of the pecking order is figured out by all. When I started my flock they all fit in an outhouse I was given and modified. Now they have a larger house that they go into at night. I too have predator problems, but that can be monitored. Guineas and geese are good at sounding the alarm and since I am on land with woods and lots of out-buildings, they have plenty of places to go for cover. My worse problems has been dropped off dogs. We are working on fixing that problem permanently too. Fences do wonders.

If you want to train your chickens as to where you want them to go I have found corn tortillas work wonders.
When free ranging your birds how do you keep them in your yard?

I would like to let mine free range when I'm outside, but if I have to keep retrieving the birds from the neighbor's yard. The other worry is I live on a pretty busy road, we lost one dog to a car already would hate to have the birds get hit.

Speaking of retrieving birds if they do leave the yard how do you get them back, with my dogs its a matter of a whistle and they come running. Don't think that would work with chickens.

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