Free Range Chickens-good idea or not?

The solution to keeping chickens happy AND safe, is to have no more than your predator-proof enclosure's space allows. Stuff 10 chickens in a small enclosure and yes, you're going to have pecked and ill chickens. But put three in there and it will be fine.

I just met someone last night that has two chickens. A couple years ago, she had 35. Yes, you guessed it. They were free-ranged. Do you want pets & eggs, or well-fed predators?
Yeah, Buff Hooligan, I understand that everyone's situation is different. I don't think ANYONE on BYC is holding chickens in overcrowded confinement situations -- if they were, they wouldn't be going online to a forum discussing their chickens' issues the way we all do!
I do a combo... I have a coop and run (PLENTY of space for them) and the girls get to run around for a few hours a day during the week and also on the weekends to practice their weed abatement skills.

We have coyotes in the area but the yard is fenced with mostly 6' chain link. I have seen numerous hawks fly by and the hens don't seem to make a mad dash for cover but watch instead... haven't had an issue so far.

They are far too happy outside to not let them go out although if I see a LOT of hawks, or circling ones, I may put them in... but their run isn't a whole lot safer (a determined hawk could get one- the run isn't covered and if they ran under the bushes or into the coop, hawk could still nab one).
If I raise my chicks in the coup, and then let them out after they have grown, how far are they likely to travel,
and do they come back in at night to roost on their own or do they have to be
gathered up?
Mine wander at most about 2 acres away. Generally they stay within a 200' radius. If you don't want them to range that far, you can only let them out for a few hours in the afternoon and they won't go as far. They will automatically walk back to the coop as it gets dark in the evening and hop back onto the roost in their henhouse. They like habit, so to train them to return to your coop, you must pen them up for at least 3 weeks to start with, if they're new to your house. Oh, and make sure to feed them there every morning and evening.
thanks chickenannie,

Good idea. I live in an area where people are always dumping their dogs, (sad) so I can't leave them out all the time. A few hours in the eve would be good for them and me keeping an eye on them I think.
I have a very large fenced in area that serves as a run, but I have been opening the gate and letting the birds free range over the winter. When the kids are outside I don't open the gate because I cannot trust my rooster around them. They will also fly over the fence when they want to get out, but I am putting deer netting back over the fencing this week as I have been seeing hawks. As soon as the weather turns and I plant my garden and the kids are out every day I won't be letting the chickens free range.
I don't really feel bad about it, they still have plenty of room and they are much better protected this way. We do have hawks and we also get the occasional random wandering dog. In my dreams I would love to have the chickens mingling in the yard adding to the diversity, but in reality right now it is just not the most practical or safest option and I am okay with it.
I think that if you're willing to take some risks, FR is the way to go.

Our girls have gotten very adept at disappearing when the hawks fly over. Our dog, Pepper, has learned that Mom doesn't like hawks, so she barks and chases them! Pepper also seems to be discouraging the local coyotes; I haven't seen any sign of them since we got her.

Our only problem is the neighbors' @#$* dog, and I'm working on it!

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