free range help


6 Years
Jul 8, 2013
My chickens are in an electric fence (8 stand zebra fence with six live wires). About 3 acres are fenced in this way as a larger forage pasture. Now i have about 500 chickens ducks and geese. The ducks and the geese seem quite content as there is a pond in the fenced in area. There are also two chicken houses that they a freedom to all the time. However the chickens are a problem. I have chickens that are not afraid of the fence (just walk right over or under the wires) this would not be that bad if they didn't want to cross the road and go into neighbors yards. I am not that close to the neighbors or the road i just don't understand whats wrong.
Are you sure it's sufficiently charged?
I know those designed for chickens have an intermittent pulse so they may have gotten through before they got HIT.
It may be necessary to put a chicken wire or plastic poultry netting on that side of the acreage. Not sufficient for predators but with the electric, that would halt most predators if it is working.
yes it is working i have the tester. I just cant believe they can advertise as chicken fence when it doesnt hold in the chickens.
Are you sure it's meant to keep chickens in....or is it meant to keep chicken predators out?

Do you have a link to the product?
its a zebara fence that tells you the configuration for different types of animals such as cows are different then pigs, etc...

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