Free range new hens?

That's one of those hard to answer questions. The idea is for them to see the coop as home and return there each night.

I usually set up some kind of temporary fencing to keep them in the general area at first, so they don't wander so far they get lost. Once they start automatically going to the coop at night I take down the fencing.

Once, and only once, I skipped the temporary fencing- and spent half the night in the woods with a flashlight and a broom!
If I remember correctly, I locked my first hens for about 8-10 days before letting them free range. I have no fencing system and thankfully I never had a problem with them not going back in their house at night. A good idea is to let them out for the first time in the evening so they don't have much time to wander before naturally wanting to roost for the night.

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