Free range questions

Sorry tiapet. I should have paid more attention to your location! First thing to do is to "train" your chicks to come when called. You do that the same way you train dogs,by equating your call with treats. It's so simple the chicks will soon be following you around begging for treats! Good luck!
Thanks everyone. I just need to spend more time trying to train them I think. I spent 1/2 hour chasing them around the run just to get them in the coop the other night. I handle them every day, but they still don't seem stoked about it.
I have a 1 acre fenced area and very secured coops/run, however I only let my girls out to free range under my supervision because we are heavily loaded with hawks in my area. I can let them out any time I can be with them which is usually 2 to 3 hours a day. I fix them some treats (fruits, veggies, and meal worms) when I am ready to bring them in, I show them the treat container, they gather together and follow me inside the run, I put their treat in a big tray and while they are eating I lock them up. This works like a charm, just takes a little time to train them and you have to figure out what they like to eat, giving them their favorite food works great, just don't over do it (don't give them too much) they have to eat their feed because it's balanced.
Also if you have a special sound when you show them the treat, it will help a lot, mine is "chick chick chick"
Hope this helps

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