Free range ready?


Jun 16, 2021
Northern NH
So I have twelve 7 week old chickens. Yesterday I tried calling to them to get them to come to me from the other side of the run - 16 feet away. Over half of them came to me right away when I had a bag of mealworms and the other few soon followed. Whenever I shake the bag or called they seem to get their attention and they are right at my feet. When do you think I can start free ranging my chickens? They seem ready but I’m still hesitant to let them out
So I have twelve 7 week old chickens. Yesterday I tried calling to them to get them to come to me from the other side of the run - 16 feet away. Over half of them came to me right away when I had a bag of mealworms and the other few soon followed. Whenever I shake the bag or called they seem to get their attention and they are right at my feet. When do you think I can start free ranging my chickens? They seem ready but I’m still hesitant to let them out
I let my chicks free range when they were only 2-3 days old and it was hot too. I was closely watching them though
Close to dusk with supervision, that's also when predators start to hunt. It's a good time though because they'll want to go back to the coop and it's easy to herd them in if needed. Lots of people swear by the clicker plus treat method. I haven't had to try it though because my head hen loves me so she follows me, and the rest follow her.

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