Free range unattended?

I have young chicks and my hens free range during the day but I will not let the little guys out of the secure run until they are much bigger. There are so many predators just waiting for a chance to get the little guys, hawks being the big threat here during the day. So no, my opinion is do not let them free range at this age unless you watch them like a hawk.🙄
They’d be a quick snack for neighborhood dogs, cats, raccoons, fox … just about anything wandering through. I never let mine out until they’re several months old and I still lose some. Even full grown ones! :(
I let my four-week olds out for the first time just the other day. Their brooder is in a small pen perhaps 30 x 30'. And I sat with them the whole time they were out. I don't think I will leave them out unattended even in that small space for about another month. I won't let them free range until perhaps another month after that, at 12 weeks, when they will be nearly full grown; by that time they will be well integrated with the older flock and the dogs will be keeping an eye on them as well.
Your chicks will stop growing by the time they're a year old. Some may lay as early as 18 weeks but others won't until they're older(7-9 mo) Chicks raised in an established flock of older chickens are predator savvy but your pullets are "orphans" .They will be more vulnerable than other chicks unless you take measures to increase their odds of surviving.

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