Free ranging chickens on horse pasture?

Well I read about horses getting salmonella from the fresh chicken manure...
Actual cases, or just the possibility of it happening? My personal opinion - and that's all it is is an OPINION - is that if you keep your coops free of major rodent infestation (mice will come and go, I'm talking LOTS of mice or rats), dead chickens, and other such things, salmonella isn't a concern. I don't know that ALL chickens have it. Hopefully someone more educated on that than I am will chime in. I have chickens and horses, and when the horses were living on our place, the chickens ran in and out of their pasture and the barn and I've never seen a problem. I suppose it could happen if you have alot of chickens in a very small space and the chicken manure is quite concentrated...
Both actual cases (from the internet) and the possibility. The most I would have is 10 chickens in a 10x10 coop and free ranging most of the day. I have 6 chickens right now, and for the past 8 months, they have roamed all over the barn picking up tidbits. There are a few rats and mice in the barn, but cats keep them away most of the time.
I would go for it, but you have to use your own judgement. Go back to the cases you read about, look to see what the circumstances were and if they're at all like yours. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it.
My horses are alive and well!

My birds free ranged for years and their favorite place to hang out was in the hay barn. Yep, that meant poop on the hay. I'd flick off what I could, but I know some got into the trough. I'd just trust my big girls not to eat it. And on the pasture, well, they eat around their own poop and dog poop, if you watch they're pretty selective with that lip what they gather up for a bite. I can't imaging they eat wild bird poop, or the poop from wild geese or ducks that frequent my pasture this time of year.

Like bobbi-j said, I think it all comes down to keeping your animals healthy to start with. Your birds aren't crowded, unless they're ill in some way I don't see it as a problem. Plus, they keep the flies down!

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