Free Ranging Questions

I have the same sorts of dual-purpose breeds you have. And they have never even attempted to go over the 6-foot game fence around my half-acre. Even the four-foot chain link fence on one side stops them cold. I can't even imagine these gals even challenging that solid fence of yours. But that's just me and my flock. They don't even scoot under through arbividae hedge which I'm sure they could do. But then again, the half-acre they have access to affords virtually everything a hen could want.
It's less about can they and more about will they. My EE can get up on top of our 8 ft privacy fence, I've seen her, but now that she is used to our place she doesn't even challenge our 4 foot divider fence to the dog yard. It all depends on the chicken!
Such great info! Y'all are giving me more courage. I think I'll get them used to some tasty treats first (they usually run up to me in the run when I have a crinkly spinach bag in my hand.) I may just try it soon. More at 11.

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