Free-ranging? should I?

I let my chickens out everyday at noon when I come home for lunch. They go back to the coop to lay their eggs (for those who haven't laid yet). They wander pretty far but don't go near the road. They love to be free in fact they step all over each other getting to the door when they see me coming.
I play this mind game with my chickens. They know when I'm coming to let them out because I always call the cat inside first. The chickens get very loud. I slowly open the shutters on the back of the coop first. The minute they hear the shutter latches being opened they get real quiet; then they start up again. I do this very slowly with each of the shutters; waiting for them to be quiet after every click.
I get them so worked up that by the time I open the door they all fall out in a pile.

My SO swears I have way too much time on my hands.
Well I did it! Saturday, we let them all out and I felt a little like a collie herding the crew so they didn't go too far. But after i relaxed a little, it was great! They found a big dirt spot and found about 50 worms....they were going crazy!
Today was even better. I was working around the yard and cooking dinner on the BBQ. i didn't even obsessively count them as much today (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ok) and everyone went back in on their own or with a little guidance.

thanks for the encouragement everyone!

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