Freedom Ranger photos

SnowyDiamonds, we made low perches for our Freedom Rangers but they really don't perch. Every now and then one of the hens will roost there, but primarily they are on the ground. I've never had Cornish, but since they are bigger/heavier birds than the FR's, I would assume they would not perch.
I think it's got some Delaware in it. The hackles are lightly barred, and the feet are yellow. I've got Del hens that look like that in the hackle, and some people use Dels for free-range broiler stock.
I haven't eaten any of the Rangers yet, but I am told they will have more flavor and muscle-tone than the CornishX. I have eaten lots of unwanted egg layer breed cockrels and if the Rangers are anything like them I will be pleased.
I've had no losses of the Rangers, but there are a couple of issues: one has a horribly crossed bill, another has twisted foot, and another is missing an eye. Thats just from 42 birds.
I sell Fredom Rangers to my meat chicken customers. If I didn't think it was spectacular, I wouldn't be raising them and would be doing Cornish X like everyone else. I think a happy bird, who saw the sun will taste great.
I processed 3 FR's yesterday and 3 today. I have to admit that was enough for me and will be looking for someone locally to finish the rest.

We couldn't wait to try it (never had real chicken before) so we stir-fried the breast meat last night and I was amazed - it even smelled better than store-bought chicken when it was cooking. Tasted wonderful - very tender too. I couldn't believe how big the breasts were in comparison. Sure didn't feel that big on the bird but they went very deep. Mick, you will be pleased.

Although I didn't have any that looked just like your white one, I did have one with alot of white on it. This bird was very different in every way from the other 5 we processed. The feathers just wouldn't come out! The others came right off and we could pluck even without scalding (except the wings and tail). No matter how we tried, this bird wouldn't come clean. Ended up skinning it.

Also had one where the inside of the wing, under the skin, was green. Any idea what that could be? We did cut the wing off and throw it away and the rest of the meat looked and smelled fine (not that the wing smelled bad) but I didn't like the looks of it. Do you think the rest of the bird is ok? Looks fine but...?

At 9 weeks my birds ended up being 4 lbs fully dressed. I'll let the other 7 go a couple more weeks. One rooster does have bad feet/toes but no eye/beak problems.
We had one CR that had a green joint in his wing--right next to the body. I wonder if he got it injured. We cut it off and threw it away as well.
Was the rest of the meat ok? No one got sick I am assuming? I'm wondering if it was just bruising but I've never seen that color green so I'm concerned. The bird seemed healthy in every way.
Hi, I would like to see more pics of your tractor too. Your rangers look very much like my red broilers that I got from Ideal - altho I don't have any white ones.

I thougth that I had enough run area with a 25 X 10 run, but 40 chickens are making a real mud pit out of it with all of this rain we've had in WV the last month - even with tarps over the top! I think I will need to make a small tractor to get them out and about. I keep cutting long grass out of the meadow and throwing in to them, but in a few minutes it is mashed into the mud.

Please add your pics.

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