Freedom Rangers out of buisness

Dear LilRalphieRoosmama,

When you give scratch it lowers the protein content in the feed when consumed by the chickens. You are giving grit to right..?
We are using the finisher now but were feeding a mixture of a couple coolwhip bowls of scratch mixed with 27% protein feed mixed into 100 lbs of 20% and a couple coolwhip bowls of grit.
We have been feeding them that since they were probably 4 weeks old when there was some pecking at the base of a tail of 1 chick. It fixed that with the scratch giving them some fiber and lowering the high protein content of what was 1 50 lb bag of 28 % which is what we were feeding the egg layers. It was (Turkey chick feed) and the hatchery said it was ok to feed it. (shrug) so that is what our meat chicks (Freedom Rangers) got until the picking started and we mixed in the scratch and lowered the protein by combining it with 20%.
Last week we started them on a 18% - 21% finisher. I need to pull out the 2 Freedom Rangers I plan to keep and put them in with the Egg Layers and
(what should I be feeding the layers until they are 18 weeks and get the layer feed?) What protein and what mixture of grit / scratch and feed if any??

Thanks so much and God Bless you always LilRalphieRoosmama!!


P.S. We will keep doing Freedom Rangers we'll just have to keep in touch with Barbara and any and all of you who will go into the Breeder Program.
My husband and I can't wait to taste the fresh Freedom Ranger chicken!!

Dear ncgnance,

I wonder if they are breeding them and hatching chicks? Where are the Amish you are speaking of located? I'm in Ohio there are many Amish around Ohio and PA.
Let me know if you find that article. I wonder if they got them from Barbara?

Thanks and God Bless,


They were using subcontracted farms to hatch the chicks for them, since they ramped up production this year. When the big order got canceled, the farms contracted to hatch day olds are left holding a lot of chicks (for at least the next 21 days). So, I think the point of this thread is you can help out some of the small farmers by ordering directly from them.
Dear Greyfields and all who are reading these posts,

Here is an e-mail from Barbara there are 2 more I haven't read she asked me to post here so Here is 1 of 2 or 3:

Dear Ann,

This man is the grower who had our flock that was laying. He culled the flock down to 500 birds, and although we offered some
time ago to set him up with all our customers and take a $0.10 bird for doing the work he was not interested.

He has absolutely NO RIGHT to trade under our name without our permission and I will definitely be telling him that myself. I am
angry that he has even tried.

Yes he has the birds and he does not have thousands of birds left on the ground he has 500 breeders, which he told us he was going to
cull....ah well even the Amish tell lies.

So good luck to him and it would be great if you could get birds. I do not know who he will get to do all the trading but the
hatchery will have told him all our customers’ names.

I do not wish him any wrong but he cannot trade under our name nor our brand names for the birds.


God Bless you always,

Greyfields and all who are interested to know:

Here is the second e-mail from Barbara:

Ann I guess that i am mighty upset that this man who has always been a friend and we have always been very close to him and his
family, would deliberately try to use our trade name. Maybe he just does not understand the situation. If he trades with our names
or even tells people they are Freedom Ranger birds he will be liable for our debts in the USA.
We need to keep our trade name and our trade names for our breeds which has cost us everything we have. We may need to trade under
that name in the future in some capacity.

Also ( this is just for your information) we offered to help him carry on and suggested that we would do all the work via the
computer and we would take a $0.10 royalty per chick. he did not want to do that. He told us he had to cull some birds. we agreed as
he had a large flcok which was part of the production set up. We told him we could sell all the chicks from 1200 breeders, but he
culled down to 500 birds only which was not enough to supply our existing customer base.

Sometimes I am very disappointed in people, especially those we have tried to help in every way possible. We have provided this man
and his family with an income for the last 3 years and I am at a loss to understand why he would try this action without first
speaking to us.

This has really upset me, but still enough, I will just have to let it go, but the name will remain with us only.

Thanks Ann for all your help and support and do buy the birds from the man if you can, please let everyone know that we are still
here for advice etc.

Dear Greyfields and all who are interested:

Here is the third e-mail that Barbara wants us all to read:

Ann please post this message on backyard poultry forum for me.

Freedom Rangers wishes to state that they have no agreement with Mr. Jerry Yutzy of Hillsboro.WI, to allow him to trade under the
Freedom Rangers name , nor to sell chicks under our brand names. ie red ranger, bronze ranger, golden ranger, grey ranger.

Freedom Rangers will not be responsible in any way for any debts incurred by Mr. Yutzy, nor will they accept any responsibility for
the health and welfare status of the chicks delivered.

Freedom Rangers name and logo is registered to Brian and Barbara Aaron as well as the trade names. Red Ranger, Bronze Ranger, Golden
Ranger, Grey Ranger, Gourmet Black, Poulet Nu, and as such cannot be used by any other person except under an agreement and issuance
of a license by Brian and Barbara Aaron.

Mr. Yutzy may sell his chicks as he pleases, but he cannot trade under Freedom Rangers.We are encouraging him to set up his own
company and his own trade name and hopefully he will be able to supply some of you with chicks for this season.

Barbara Aaron

Ann I am hoping that this will end this problem, we are legally still allowed to trade even whilst in bankruptcy but all monies earned have to go to the bankruptcy trustee. We cannot have Jerry running around using our trade name and earning monies under our name.
Once again I did not sleep last night. I really cannot understand why he just did not come and talk to us about this,
obviously we want our customers to have birds, and he can deliver some , so why not get this sorted out first.
It is the back way around and not fair to Brian and I who have spent everything we own to establish our name.

I am really upset about this.


Please keep Barbara and her family in your prayers daily. Where ever two or more gather in the Name of the Lord, He is there in your midst.

God Bless you all,

It appears to a casual observer that production divisions and marketing were separate in this enterprise.

The breeder flocks, hatchery, and marketing had, at least, some measure of independence.

Shipping might even have been a 4th component.

Bankruptcy is often a very messy thing and retention of properties, sometimes impossible. I wonder if the Amish ever go bankrupt.

Not only don't I think the Amish go Bankrupt I also wondered if they even get sued!! Outside the law in many ways I think.. I hope that the guy will take it upon himself to do the right thing and pay Barbara a royalty (or what ever it's called) she can use the money and as she said and I agree it is her Patented (so to speak) name and breed.
If you ever read about them as I had before getting them myself they have many many years into this in Europe before going to Canada and not to mention money I'm sure LOTS of it if you have ever feed them.. Oh My GOSH!! They eat and eate and eat some more!! That alone would put someone out of business with feeding thousands of them.. SHEESH.....!!!!
As I told Barbara with God all things are possible through He which sustains all of us.. I hope it will all come out for the better in some way and that through this Forum Barbara and even this Amish guy can have the "Freedom Rangers" in the USA legally and under the proper means not stealing someone elses hard work...
I called the phone number yesterday for the Amish guy to ask some questions that I read on here and will post the answers when he calls me back. The phone number goes to his neighbor (he's Amish no phone LOL) and if any of you have questions to ask him post them and I'll ask. She said he'd call yesterday which he didn't or today or something...

God Bless you always,


digitS' :

It appears to a casual observer that production divisions and marketing were separate in this enterprise.

The breeder flocks, hatchery, and marketing had, at least, some measure of independence.

Shipping might even have been a 4th component.

Bankruptcy is often a very messy thing and retention of properties, sometimes impossible. I wonder if the Amish ever go bankrupt.

Please allow me to clarify something. It is my understanding that this man and the other Amish farmers that I have been told about are NOT trading under the Freedom Ranger name. It is my understanding that they had told someone that they had been raising birds "for the Freedom Ranger people" which was the way that it was shared. I don't think he has any intention of trying to do anything deceitful -- but rather he is someone with a lot of birds on the ground and just wants to try to stave off some huge losses. It was probably my error in stating the title of the thread in the way that I did -- I just wanted folks to know that these were the birds that they were raising as breeders for them. I was just referring to them as Freedom Rangers for a point of clarification.

So much for trying to help someone out...what is it they say about good turns not going unpunished?

Again...I do not believe that they were trying to cash in on the name -- at least that was never the impression that I got.

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