Freedom Rangers

Got our first Ranger egg--a double yolker--today at 17 weeks. Soft shell came separately. Both hens and roos are huge compared to our laying hens a month older. Though they didn't seem to be eating as much, they've definitely grown since we processed the last of their buddies a month ago.
If either of you would like to sell some eggs id like to try and hatch some out and grow up some myself.Shipping for the chicks is outrageous to here so its not worth getting the chicks for me.
Looking forward to reading your results. Our FRs are just 3 weeks old and its the first time we've raised them. All of these will end up in the freezer but I would like to stop having to buy chicks.

Take Care
Okay so the freedom roos are going to be six weeks on wed..I forgot to post at 5 weeks..They dont look like they could possibly be ready in 3 to 5 more they go thru a growth spurt or something at a particular age? Im worried because now that they are foraging, they are eating less crumble..I know Eko you free range yours all day, are they ready to eat at 11 weeks? Do mine look like they are on track?
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BTW EKO, I think you may be right with that hen..she sure looks like a freedom, but she is SO small!
I will post a picture of her next week..Her feet dont look anything like the freedoms, and her head looks different to me..Im curious as to if any of you know what she might be..ill put a picture on that thread..
those look great to me!! that one standing square to the camera is a beefy guy!

i have taken my rangers between 12 and 14 weeks, but i do have some that are 18 and i haven't gotten around to doing yet. they are hens, and are HUGE. they need to go, they have the bowling ball syndrome going on.

i definitely think free ranging them may add a week or 2, due to the sheer calories they burn when they run up my 200 yard driveway to see me, for example. to me, it's worth the trade off... they get to live happier lives, it's less work for me (i have yet to find a spot where i can tractor birds on my land), and the extra weeks make for some tasty birds.

i'm anxious to see a pic of the little one... the legs on my rangers varied greatly.. i even had one that had bright green legs. as far as color variations... they are a virtual rainbow.. drastic difference in color.
@Noah: My Rangers averaged 2 lbs 7 oz at 5 weeks, 3 lbs 7 oz at 6 weeks, 4 lbs 6 oz at 7 weeks, and 5 lbs 6 oz at 8 weeks. So, they put on nearly a pound a week for a while.

After 8 weeks, they had free range of the yard and growth slowed. It also got very hot here, which I think also affected growth.

I've taken from the discussions here that free ranging them slows growth considerably.
that reaaaaally looks like a freedom ranger girl... are you sure she didn't come with the others? i guess i'm just confused how you ended up w/ her after the mix up, if she didn't come with the others in the first place...

are you sure the person they delivered the rangers to initially didn't mix them up by accident?

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