freeloader hen


14 Years
Mar 1, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona
30 week old RIR is not laying and has a different appearance than the others. She barely has a comb at all and what she has is very pale. Why, why, why? I love her anyway, just wondering. Yep, I am definitely new to this!
I am not sure, I had a bunch of pullets that didn't start laying until 10-12 months old! Maybe she's just a late bloomer.
I have had some late bloomers. Right now I have 16 pullets and all are starting to lay except one. her comb and wattles are small. One of my hens was a late bloomer, but now is the largest in size of all of my birds.
Every hen is different. Are you sure she's not hiding all her eggs somewhere?
PS- I like your username
So where did YOU get the idea? I got it from the expression that means "nonsense".
My banty cochin is over 40 weeks old and no egg.

She's the sole moocher remaining of the original 4 moochers.

2 more moochers will join our household tomorrow... but they'll only be 3 days old.
If she isn't crowing or a procrastinator, then she's just saving her self for the right time. She wants it to be special.

I'm sure she'll come around soon.
It might help if you could post a picture. I suspect there are RIR experts on here that might spot something. My first suspicion is that she is not a RIR. Second one is that she may be a he. Third, she is hiding her eggs somewhere. Fourth, that is just the way she is.

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