Freeranging unsupervised?

I bought mine about five yrs ago, was $50. Takes awesome pics and video during the day, at night it will if it has good batteries in it. If the batteries are down it will still take pics forever but far distant shots at night the flash isn't bright enough.
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Ooh--that looks like a nursing mama fox! Watch out.
I only let them free range unsupervised when I'm home. If I can peek out the window every hour or so, I feel comfortable with them being out. Otherwise they are in their barn stall coop. It equates to them being out much of the weekend and in the evenings. We may adjust as they get older (they are 9 weeks tomorrow!), but for now this works for us :)
I only let them free range unsupervised when I'm home. If I can peek out the window every hour or so, I feel comfortable with them being out. Otherwise they are in their barn stall coop. It equates to them being out much of the weekend and in the evenings. We may adjust as they get older (they are 9 weeks tomorrow!), but for now this works for us :)

Yea a 9 week old chick is a quick snack for a predator. I hope your yard is fenced in or no dogs live nearby... a dog took less than a minute to kill all of my 18 week old pullets. The dog didn't make it either.

Yea a 9 week old chick is a quick snack for a predator. I hope your yard is fenced in or no dogs live nearby... a dog took less than a minute to kill all of my 18 week old pullets. The dog didn't make it either.


Yes, it's fenced and gated off, and no dogs are able to get in. We have a large dog that stays out while their out, but he leaves them alone. I'm sorry about your pullets! That's awful to lose so many.
Yes, it's fenced and gated off, and no dogs are able to get in. We have a large dog that stays out while their out, but he leaves them alone. I'm sorry about your pullets! That's awful to lose so many.

Mine were behind a poorly built fence and a big dog knocked down one T post in the corner, I now know better. My neighbor has Great Pyrenees that are pretty good with chickens. Mine are behind a 5' chain link fence that is getting some hot wires added to the outside. It was a sad way to learn about dogs. I'm glad to hear yours are safe from dogs. Any hawks in your area?

Only large fully grown hens get any unsupervised free ranging now, compliments of losing smaller birds my first year. Additionally, if I won't personally be close by within earshot, they stay inside locked up. This includes vacations etc.
The coop will be locked up so nothing bigger than a rat or snake can get in short of making it through the eaves. So far only the chickens know about that emergency escape, and don't use it now they know is a one way trip. :lol:
Mine were behind a poorly built fence and a big dog knocked down one T post in the corner, I now know better. My neighbor has Great Pyrenees that are pretty good with chickens. Mine are behind a 5' chain link fence that is getting some hot wires added to the outside. It was a sad way to learn about dogs. I'm glad to hear yours are safe from dogs. Any hawks in your area?

It sounds like you have quite the fence! I've seen a few hawks circling, but one of the hens always warns the others and they run back inside about the same time that I see it. They're pretty smart! Have you had any issues with them?
Only large fully grown hens get any unsupervised free ranging now, compliments of losing smaller birds my first year. Additionally, if I won't personally be close by within earshot, they stay inside locked up. This includes vacations etc.
The coop will be locked up so nothing bigger than a rat or snake can get in short of making it through the eaves. So far only the chickens know about that emergency escape, and don't use it now they know is a one way trip. :lol:
If a rat can get in, so can a weasel. If the chickens can get out a coon can get in.
I am planning on free ranging mine. I am a bit worried about it though. We live in the middle of nowhere on 55 acres of forrested land on top of a mountain surrounded by state game land. I have seen raccoons and foxes on our game cams, but for the most part they stay away because of our rottweiler who is constantly marking his terrritory. We occasionally have hawks and owls too. And i have seen a bald eagle about 20 miles from here. This last deer season I saw a fischer, but I didnt shoot him, because I didnt want to spook any deer. I have no problems shooting the raccoons etc. But I dont want to get in trouble for shooting hawks. Honestly if an eagle took off with a chicken I dont know how I would feel about it, because I think eagles are awesome.
I think my game plan will be to keep the dog tied out to deter these critters.

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