Freezing right away?


6 Years
Jan 2, 2014
Las Vegas
We were processing 7 Cornish Crosses yesterday. One of them I vacuum sealed about 45 minutes after butchering and not thinking, I put it in the freezer! :barnie I usually let 'em sit in the fridge for a day or 3. Will this one be ok to eat? It didn't feel rigo to me when I put it in the bag. Any experience on this? Thanks!
I always freeze mine the day I butcher. Mine are older dual purpose birds, not the two month old or younger Cornish X. I typically take them out of the freezer and into the fridge on a Sunday to cook Thursday so they have aged some.

When you cook it let us know if you can tell any difference. That would be interesting to know.
I always freeze mine the day I butcher. Mine are older dual purpose birds, not the two month old or younger Cornish X. I typically take them out of the freezer and into the fridge on a Sunday to cook Thursday so they have aged some.

Ditto to all of the above (well, except that I processed 15 week old rangers this year). Cornish might not need to be rested as long, but it won't hurt them if they are.
They're alright to eat like that, but the cool temperature aging period makes for such better, tastier meat.

So no sweat, but that one will be more suitable for stewing or the crock pot (unaged meat = less tender) unless you let it age in the fridge a bit before cooking it.

If you choose to age it, take it from the freezer well in advance of when you intend to use it, so it can fully thaw and then get its aging days in.
I just processed my first roosters Saturday. We will be having one for dinner tomorrow night. There was no rigor when we put it in the freezer bag. It has been in the fridge since Saturday morning. Hope it tastes great.
I did 25 Specialty Broilers a month or so ago, As we process we just rinsed them off and put them in a garbage barrel full of ice water. Once all were all done processing we took them out and let them drip off followed by shrink bagging them. Into the freezer they went. I along with several others said that was some of the best chicken they had. So i can't help you much more beyond that. I would say treat it like any other and cook it as you normally would.

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