French frogs

No kidding! I would have thought the same! What did u apply for?
Wow girl. I know this is different but both of my eustation ? tubes (prob spelled wrong) are off the charts! Completely collapsed. They put tubes in my ears about 2 years ago. They felt closed all the time. After the tubes my hearing was much better! After the tubes fell out as planned on their own slowly but surely they get more and more pressure in them again..including 2ear infections since..funny thing is I never had any ease problems my entire life until this last several years. Not even as a kid..

Ear infections are paaaaiiinnnfuuullll. That explains why you type so loud, though. ;)

Hey Oz.......

:lau :lau :lau Just saw the Doritos!
Aren't all birds messy?

The black one is Cricket the Cayuga.  Full of personality, on the quiet side, usually the first to try something new.

Gosh they are growing quick! I remember now she had vim and vigor straight out of the egg. Wifey is just trying to keep our poultry numbers manageable. :)
Remember! I'm sending you BBS AM eggs and your sending me duck eggs!

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