French frogs

I am... Can't explain what happened.... But last night I was sitting here and all of a sudden my lungs just opened up. But I still went into the Drs today.... She didn't like the sound of my lungs at all..... So she put me on a medrol pack...... Which is what I felt I needed...... It's funny when you've lived with long term health problems the doctors tend to listen to you and I practically prescribed my own treatment.
Another funny thing..... The doctor I saw I remember when she was in college.... Here mom went through a bone marrow transplant same time as me.... And her mom used to talk about me all the time..... And she also used to be my wife's doctor before she joined the VA system..... Small world.... Her mom just died (unrelated to leukemia) and her donor drive up from Florida to attend the funeral..... Aren't people just great...

Yes they are my friend
I am... Can't explain what happened.... But last night I was sitting here and all of a sudden my lungs just opened up. But I still went into the Drs today.... She didn't like the sound of my lungs at all..... So she put me on a medrol pack...... Which is what I felt I needed...... It's funny when you've lived with long term health problems the doctors tend to listen to you and I practically prescribed my own treatment.
Another funny thing..... The doctor I saw I remember when she was in college.... Here mom went through a bone marrow transplant same time as me.... And her mom used to talk about me all the time..... And she also used to be my wife's doctor before she joined the VA system..... Small world.... Her mom just died (unrelated to leukemia) and her donor drive up from Florida to attend the funeral..... Aren't people just great...

Small world, indeed. That's sweet. People really can be great.
Please help! This is Hawk. She's a sweet and gentle Easter Egger....she's had sour crop. I've treated it with Chlortrazole for several days now. About a week. It seems like even when the swelling goes down there's still food that won't move out. As soon as she eats with the others she swells back up again...the medicine reduces the swelling but the little "seeds" that's what it feels like won't move on through. I'm feeding her very little. Obviously she can't go like this for too long. It's as if there's a blockage....that won't allow it to pass I can feel something in there that feels bigger than seed size. I gave her 2 scrambled eggs yesterday one in morning one last night. She's eating drinking and moving around great. I'm thinking before she's at the point of dieing trying to cut open her crop and try to dislodge the obstruction..I've heard of birds making it through such a "surgery" and I've heard of them dieing in the middle of it.
I thought I'd ask my pals first b4 going elsewhere. Any advise, ideas,? She's my special girl and I love her a whole lot. Yes, they all are, but we always have our favorites and she's one of mine.


Ask Walnut... she's done crop surgery... as for food, I would just give her yogurt loaded with vites instead of solids until it passes... jmo though...
Surely all will go well this time
post pics. Of course!
Hope your feeling good today Friday. Mine are about 6 weeks now and have to come in at night til the DH builds them a coop..
Attacks you in the middle of the night?? What kind is he? Other than aggressive!?
I feel your pain! With no coop we have no choice.

:confused: jus a street cat needed a home, from hubbys work. I screwd up n told him he could have him so longs he got him fixed :he he's just such a handful, with the recent fixing tho were expectin to see him calm down a little.

That's because I feel asleep....:thumbsup
morning...... I'm just left the Drs office.... They hooked me up hopefully I'll get better now

:fl u feel better asap! :fl
:hugs    Small world, indeed.  That's sweet.  People really can be great.
I met her mom on a few occasions.... Although she did live through her transplant it was harder on her than me.... The problems in having now.. Pain and such...... She had all along..... But yes we both shared the same wonderful doctor and we basically KNEW each other without meeting face to face.....
I met her mom on a few occasions.... Although she did live through her transplant it was harder on her than me.... The problems in having now.. Pain and such...... She had all along..... But yes we both shared the same wonderful doctor and we basically KNEW each other without meeting face to face.....

Similar to BYC. We know each other & have never met.
Barr Rock and Easter Egger adults. Austroph and Leghorn chick's. I also have a few female Rainbow Dixie and Red Ranger chick's in this batch. I am hoping to get to the point that I can hatch most of my own meat birds next year. Course unless I can get a keepable rooster it is all mute. I had a beautiful Barr Rock but he kept going after my 1 year old, so he no longer exists.

I remember when you had to take out the barred devil. Those will be some interesting chicks, you should have some sex links, too.

Sex links? I have heard you talk about them. I might look into them. I like having a variety of breeds, I think it makes a prettier flock.
I am hoping to find a good alternative to the Cornish Cross. I will always buy a few, but I really did not care for the breed.
Please help! This is Hawk. She's a sweet and gentle Easter Egger....she's had sour crop. I've treated it with Chlortrazole for several days now. About a week. It seems like even when the swelling goes down there's still food that won't move out. As soon as she eats with the others she swells back up again...the medicine reduces the swelling but the little "seeds" that's what it feels like won't move on through. I'm feeding her very little. Obviously she can't go like this for too long. It's as if there's a blockage....that won't allow it to pass I can feel something in there that feels bigger than seed size. I gave her 2 scrambled eggs yesterday one in morning one last night. She's eating drinking and moving around great. I'm thinking before she's at the point of dieing trying to cut open her crop and try to dislodge the obstruction..I've heard of birds making it through such a "surgery" and I've heard of them dieing in the middle of it.
I thought I'd ask my pals first b4 going elsewhere. Any advise, ideas,? She's my special girl and I love her a whole lot. Yes, they all are, but we always have our favorites and she's one of mine.

If you've ever examined the crop and esophagus during butchering, it takes a pretty big "something" to block the crop.

Like Ravyn suggested, stop feeding solids and feed only soft/semiliquid foods. Yogurt is great.

Withhold food and water for at least four hours, then offer olive oil. From canned tuna or sardines is really tempting. Try to get her to sip 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon.

Let that settle for 30 minutes or so and see if things improve. If the crop is now, after witholding food and water, not too full, proceed to massage.

Starting at the bottom of the crop, move down a finger width. Use thumb and two fingers to gently surround the esophagus, then massage upward. Don't force, just repeat. If she shows pain, let her rest a few minutes and try again.

I would spend quite a bit of time trying to work this out first. She may have swallowed a piece of gravel too big to pass. And that's pretty big.

If you have to do crop surgery, with the crop full of liquids it will likely be fatal. The crop has to be dry. Avoid surgery if you can because the nutritional needs of an adult chicken will make it challenging to do without sutures. Babies are a lot easier.
If you've ever examined the crop and esophagus during butchering, it takes a pretty big "something" to block the crop.

Like Ravyn suggested, stop feeding solids and feed only soft/semiliquid foods.  Yogurt is great.  

Withhold food and water for at least four hours, then offer olive oil.  From canned tuna or sardines is really tempting.  Try to get her to sip 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon.

Let that settle for 30 minutes or so and see if things improve.  If the crop is now, after witholding food and water, not too full, proceed to massage.

Starting at the bottom of the crop, move down a finger width.  Use thumb and two fingers to gently surround the esophagus, then massage upward.  Don't force, just repeat.  If she shows pain, let her rest a few minutes and try again.

I would spend quite a bit of time trying to work this out first.  She may have swallowed a piece of gravel too big to pass.  And that's pretty big.

If you have to do crop surgery, with the crop full of liquids it will likely be fatal.  The crop has to be dry.  Avoid surgery if you can because the nutritional needs of an adult chicken will make it challenging to do without sutures.  Babies are a lot easier.

Thanks very much Walnut! I appreciate you helping me so much! So I'll pull the ACV/water give her some olive oil and try the massage. Thanks again!!

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