French frogs



IKR.... Hey where you been hiding friend.....

Under a rock
Hi Rav......:hugs. Was it a good day for you today?

Snowy duckling got stuck under the back deck, had to tear it half apart to get it out... it did it again after I got it all put together... cat got out and the ducks went after him... my Ohiki teens tried to roost on me at bedtime... got a duck in my tub cuz I think she's eggbound (hoping not peritonitis)... neighbors can't find their horses... and Mama Hen decided to show her kids the neighborhood...

So same ol', same ol'... :gig

There're some of Frieda's eggs still in there from when I was hoping she'd go broody again... The one that's in there now was on the short roost in there instead of on the eggs when I locked up a few minutes ago, though. When I was out earlier, she was pacing the perimeter, trying to find a way out--10 hours after I put her in.

Finicky birds...

5 new ones in the inside brooder

Waiting on some more Bantam EE

TJChickens??? :D ;)

Missed ya... buy any bators turned trunks lately?? :gig
Never mind, though I can now fling <tomato and <flan when absolutely necessary

(OK, the short version is that I've been at for almost 15 years now, and so typing the smileys from there is almost instinctual now--very disconcerting when they not only don't work (which is to be expected) but the text doesn't even show! Though your confusion sort of kills the nascent thought that you might be alectrician, since my name on here is very close to my name on there.)
Snowy duckling got stuck under the back deck, had to tear it half apart to get it out... it did it again after I got it all put together... cat got out and the ducks went after him... my Ohiki teens tried to roost on me at bedtime... got a duck in my tub cuz I think she's eggbound (hoping not peritonitis)... neighbors can't find their horses... and Mama Hen decided to show her kids the neighborhood...

So same ol', same ol'...

Finicky birds...

Missed ya... buy any bators turned trunks lately??



My babies like to go out in the run when everyone else is coming in to roost so they can have the place to themselves. They still haven't figured out that they need to go inside before the pop door closes.

So again, I go out at dusk and find them in a pile in the corner of the run, scoop them up and put them in the coop.

May have to put a night light in the coop for a while to get them to go inside by themselves.

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