Friend dropped off a peacock....


16 Years
Aug 19, 2007
Northern Utah
So a friend of mine told me a while ago he was going to get me a peacock. He has been known to be full of it so when I hadn't heard from him 4 months later I didn't think twice about it. Well... yesterday he called and said he had my peacock. It's a young one he says. What now?? I can't keep it here at my house because my neighbors are too close but a mile down the road my grandfather lives on 10 acres and in county (rather than city) area. He has a big barn and I was thinking I could put him in there and hope for the best. There would be no way to lock him in but would he stick around? There is a huge loft full of hay and plenty of places to roost. He would be safe at night from any predators and I could feed him in there.

Could he just wander the property and drink out of the horse troughs? The neighbors have donkeys so the noise thing isn't an issue. There are also lots of big trees for him to roost in. So how do I go about getting him to understand that this 10 acres and barn is his home? I can start out by locking him in one of the stalls but they are only 9' tall so he could fly up and over the dividers or tops. Would he be better off if I could find him a friend or girlfriend??

Do I just feed him flock raiser???
You have a lot to do to get ready for this bird it seems.If you let him run free,he will be free and you'll never see him again.They really only make noise during breeding season,and a mate would help him so he's not lonely.Keeping in the loft is fine as long as he can't escape and the windows have wire over them so he can't break one out trying to escape and break his neck or get cut badly.Since he needs to be penned up so he don't disappear he will need feed,16-18% protein level chicken crumbles works fine. This is a male? He will go bonkers if all by himself at a new place,,seek out another pea of the opposite sex at least 1 yr old for a companion.You will need to pick a spot in the barn that you can pen off completely with possibly 2x4" welded wire.The top will need covered if on a ground level; so it can't fly over the wire sides.You will need to make an entry gate to get in to feed and water.He will need about 100 sq feet,,add a hen and double that space to a 10x20 or maybe you can get by with a 10'x15' sq pen.Get building if you want to keep it,,otherwise once let out when you get him he will be gone for good.He will need to be locked up at least 4 months before even thinking of letting him loose.
Thanks so much for your reply. I'm thinking I can put up welded wire along one of the horse runs from the barn. It's livestock panels so it wouldn't be hard to attach wire to them. Also putting a top on wouldn't be hard. Then he'd be able to get into the stall inside the barn and if I put netting across the top he won't fly over the stall dividers. I'm hoping I can get this done before he drops this guy off. Maybe if I tell him I need a buddy it'll set him back a bit ;). The stalls are 9'x9' I believe and the attached run is 9'x24'. So that's almost 300 sq feet. The run is only 4' tall but the stall is 9' tall. Does it sound like this will work for him??

Also, like I said he's as wild as they come. He is young though. Do I just let him get used to me coming in and out to "tame" him some. I know it's not like having a dog but I'd like him to eventually be able to wander the property during the days and be used to people hanging around.

Thanks again for the help.
Your two pens seems plenty large enough for this one and another.If it's wild now it will tame down over time from you doing chores daily.Take some bread slices and give him,tear it into small pieces and before long when he sees you coming he'll be waiting by the door and eventually eat from your hand.They love to perch up high so they can see whats going on.It really would be better if your outside run was 8-9' high as well. Sink a 6'-7' long 4x4" post into the ground 2 feet deep leaving 4-5' above ground and add some sakrete in the hole so it firms up.Then nail a 2x6" flat across the top maybe 4' long with braces from it's outside edge to the post for support.He will be on this perch about 90% of the time when he's outside.Good luck in your pen building.I've had my fill of it this past year.
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Raising the outdoor height might have to wait until next spring... Unless I can find a good deal on lumber or something. I may be able to raise it right by the stall door since it's 9' tall already. Maybe just add a couple of posts close to the opening then raise the rest up later...

The biggest problem is I've heard these birds get addicting. If they are anything like chickens I'll have the whole barn converted into a peacock city before I know it.
yeah, open it REAL wide,lol. I have 3 little peachicks, and they are addicting, going to a sale next week to hopefully get a few more. Mine are only a couple of months old and they let me and my 3 year old daughter hold them, they love to eat, too. They eat more my chickens do, alot more.

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